Signatures, Miasms, AIDS
Norland, Misha

Signatures, Miasms, AIDS

Printed in the UK, paperback, 229 pages.

Size148 x 210mm
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Misha's depth of understanding and philosophical outlook shine through in this wonderfully fascinating book full of original thought and unforgettable remedy signatures.
Signatures, Miasms, AIDS shows how a deeper knowledge of two key concepts, miasms and the doctrine of signatures, can enrich our understanding of remedies and the diseased states we encounter in our patients. It also helps bridge the gap between spiritual and scientific worldviews.

  • The book examines the historical and alchemical background of healing.
  • A well practiced, clear and concise model for potency selection is included.
  • New light is cast on Hahnemann's original three miasms, while Tubercular, Cancer and AIDS miasms are examined in depth.
  • New information is included from the extensive provings of the AIDS nosode and the frequently used remedy, Falco peregrinus.

    Signatures Miasms Aids

Preface    vii
Introduction     ix

Part I: Signatures, Miasms and the Eternal Philosophy
1.     The doctrine of signatures
2.     Outer form and inner spirit
3.     The hermetic tradition and homeopathic principles
4.     Miasms
5.     Miasms in clinical practice

Part II: Signatures and Miasms in Polycrest Remedies
6.     Sulphur - volcanic force
7.     Calcarea carbonicum - protective shell
8.     Lycopodium clavatum - power and cowardice
9.     Natrum muriaticum - flow and containment
10.   Silica - obstinate yet yielding, elmination of impurities
11.   Rhus toxicodendron - freezing up
12.   Thuja occidentalis - tree of life
13.   Pulsatilla nigricans - need for support
14.   Lachesis muta - bursting out of restriction
15.   Mercurius - destruction and creation, decay and purity
16.   Tarentula hispanica - bound up yet compelled to move
17.   Tuberculinum bovinum - restless discontent
18.   Carcinosin - conformity and rebellion

19.   AIDS - The disease and the miasm
20.   The proving of AIDS nosode - breakdown of boundaries
21.   Falco peregrinus - constraint v freedom, master and slave

Part V: Conclusion
22.   Developmental model of miasms
An evolutionary map of miasms, tuberculosis, cancer and AIDS

1.   Models for potency selection
2.   Homeopathic glossary of commonly used terms

Misha Norland

About the Author
Misha Norland was a Fellow and a founding member of The Society of Homeopaths and the first editor of its journal. A practitioner for over 30 years, he was Head of Homeopathic Research at the first UK homeopathic college in 1977. In 1981 he founded the School of Homeopathy, the oldest school in the UK. Widely loved and respected for his teaching and practice skills, he gave numerous lectures and taught many of the world's leading homeopaths. He was also an international clinical facilitator, lecturer and author and was well known for his contributions to journals, conferences and new materia medica. In addition to running the School in the UK, he taught and overviewed the assessment standards at the School of Homeopathy, New York and was the principal clinical teacher for the School's international study. Misha loved to blend old and new ideas and weave information together in a memorable way.

"Misha Norland is my dear friend and valued colleague for over two decades. He has a solid foundation in classical homeopathy, both in its philosophy and practice. Yet, he has the openness and creativity to explore new avenues and latest advances."
Dr. Rajan Sankaran, Homeopath, Author

"For more than twenty years Misha has been a central figure in our world of homeopathy, and rightly so. He's a wonderful blend of a seeker's yearning to understand this world in great depth and a practical dynamo who makes things happen."
David Warkentin, Founding Director, Kent homeopathic Associates

"I have known Misha for nearly 30 years. His dedication to the Art and Spirit of homeopathy is manifest through his wonderful teachings and collaborations on both sides of the Atlantic. His courses are renowned for their excellence in homeopathic learning the world over."
Miranda Castro FSHom, Homeopath, Author, Educator

"If ever a new book on miasms was needed, it is this one. Instead of repeating what everybody else has already written about miasms, Misha takes a fresh look at them and at the Doctrine of Signatures. This is a well-written book I would certainly recommend without hesitation."
Dr. J. Roczenzwaig, New Zealand Homeopathic Links


If ever a new book on miasms was needed, it is this one. Instead of repeating what everybody else has already written about miasms, Misha Norland take fresh look at them and at the Doctrine of Signatures.

Going through the different philosophies and religions, he interprets the miasm according to those, showing how they long to our daily lives, no matter what our beliefs, or lack of, are.

Miasms become actual entities we recognise no matter through which prism they are looked at, they become real alive and not just a theoretical scaffolding.

The Doctrine of Signatures is also approached that way, although not in such depth. It is clearly emphasised as a means of learning, of memorisation and examination, not as a scientific instrument discover hidden qualities of a substance.

The book continues with an analysis of the new AIDS miasm and its proving; the interesting approach here is the parallel drawn between the clinical and biological evolution of the disease AIDS and the appearance and behaviour of the miasm, as reflected in the proving too.

The interesting proving of Falco Peregrinus is thrown in as an illustration of a remedy belonging to the AIDS miasm and the Doctrine of Signatures is used to illustrate the choice of the substance for the proving: well done!

In its conclusion, there is a 'Developmental model of miasms' where the socio-cultural presentation of miasms is re viewed; absolutely fascinating!

The appendix of the book relates potencies with elements: Fire, Air, Water and Earth. This was explored in detail earlier on by David Little, but although it makes an interesting reading, I am not sure I would adopt it as my potency selection, it is too speculative for my personal taste.This is a well-written book I would certainly recommend to everybody who is studying miasms, without hesitation.

Thirteen polychrest remedies are then viewed and analysed in the light of their multi-miasmatic belonging, clearly demonstrating that there is not a single remedy exclusively covering a single miasm, although there are predominances, some of them being major, like Sulphur and Psora. This will very much rejoice those of us who claim that a remedy well chosen as it can be, will never destroy a miasm; but that is another huge discussion.
Dr Roczenzwaig, MD, Ph.D, Homeopathic Links, Summer 2004