Nutritional Therapist
Course Teacher

Teacher movies and audio lectures

The list below does not include teachers and tutors that run the live events that accompany the course: teaching webinars, discussion groups, online clinics, tutor group meetings and tutorials etc.

For a list of Year 1 teachers please see the Nutrition Advisor Course.


Unit 5

Movie Presentations    
Detox Ayurveda + Home Toxicology Mary Sharma 9m 45s
Detox Diets Mary Sharma 16m43s
Detox Naturopathic Philosophy Mary Sharma 20m26s
Detox Naturopathic View Mary Sharma 7m46s
Naturopathic Case Taking Karen Carman 16m32s
Naturopathic Elimination and Suppression Mary Sharma 21m11s
The Cause of Disease 1 Mary Sharma 11m48s
The Cause of Disease 2 Mary Sharma 12m38s
Three Forms of Nutritional Therapy Justine Evans 17m01s
Movie Lectures    
Intro to Naturopathic Philo. Mary Sharma 10m
Vitalistic v Reductionist Medi. Mary Sharma 12m
Cause of Disease Mary Sharma 14m
Movement of Disease
Mary Sharma 11m
Red Flags Mary Sharma 19m
Supplements Ed Joy 1h 30m

Unit 6

Movie Presentations    
Biochemistry Mary Sharma 17m53s
Bowel Disorders Sarah Hanratty 16m57s
Gluten Sensitivity and Gluten Free Diets Karen Carman 17m47s
Histamine Intolerance Mary Sharma 17m29s
Ideal Diet Justine Evans 9m27s
Liver Pathways Mary Sharma 25m26s
Mental and Emotional Sarah Hanratty 20m45s
Mary Sharma
Mary Sharma
Movie Lectures    
Boosting your Digestion
Karen Carman 1h 5m
Mood Boosting Karen Carman 1h 8m
Leaky Gut Karen Carman 1h 16m
Adrenal Fatigue & Thyroid
Karen Carman 1h 7m
Using Supplements
Karen Carman 1h 15m
Supporting Autoimmune 1
Karen Carman 59m
Supporting Autoimmune 2
Karen Carman 1h 8m
Stress & Eating Disorders Karen Carman 1h 17m

Unit 7

Movie Presentations    
Candida Yeasts and Moulds Karen Carman 16m33s
Introduction to Lab Testing Mary Sharma 15m52s
Stool Testing Sarah Hanratty 11m27s
Movie Lectures    
Lab tests – Hair Analysis Sarah Stelling 2h
Lab tests – Stool Analysis Jacquie Lane 1h

Unit 8

Movie Presentations    
Creating Nutritional Protocols Justine Evans 15m30s
Educating the Client Justine Evans 5m31s
Taking a Naturopathic Case History Mary Sharma 22m38s
Movie Lectures    
Clinical Studies Nicky Sainty 1h30m
Case Intro & Main Issues Mary Sharma
Case Diet Diary
Mary Sharma
Case Family History
Mary Sharma
Case Personal Health History
Mary Sharma

Unit 8 Answers  
Case Overview Mary Sharma
Diet Programme Mary Sharma
Summary Mary Sharma


Teacher biographies

The following teacher provided material and lectures for this Nutritional Therapist Course.

 Mary Sharma

Mary Sharma
Mary became a nutritional therapist in 2002 after training with the Plaskett College of Nutritional medicine. Since then she has trained in many disciplines including homotoxicology, Iridology and Ayurveda.

Mary's interest in nutrition started many years earlier, in her teens when her mother used nutrition to support herself whilst coming off of the many drugs that she had been prescribed for her spinal tumour a few years earlier. This was the 1970’s when there was little knowledge about nutrition or even alternative medicine. It was several years later, after the birth of her first child, that Mary discovered a small course in ‘Allergy Therapy’ which taught muscle resistance testing to identify food sensitivities. This course taught Mary how to test effectively for food and chemical sensitivities and how to assist people with dietary changes so that they could return to health. However, the course did not fully answer her questions as to why people had become intolerant to certain foods or chemicals in the first place.It was at this point, whilst still training in Allergy therapy that Mary was told of a short correspondence course in Nutrition.  This course began to answer questions for her such as why people got ill, how we can give our children a healthier future and how good nutrition was at the base of optimal health.

Mary has been in private practice since 1994 and works along-side many other disciplines. Mary's passion is now to offer training in naturopathic medicine so that other practitioners can bring this message to their clients and make this a healthier, happier place to live.


 Bill craster

Bill Craster
Sadly Bill passed away in March 2018. However his teachings live on through his wonderful contribution to this course. After qualifying as a Dietary Therapist, Bill worked in a Natural Health Centre in Devon for some years, comparing notes with Homeopaths, Osteopaths, Massage and Aromatherapists and gaining a well rounded insight into what might be described as a philosophy of natural health. Bill loved Nutrition because it is a fascinating subject that has it's roots quite literally in the very ground we inhabit, and yet it is capable of giving rise to the most ungrounded aspirations.

Bill was, for some thirty years, a student of meditation, one of the most basic tenets of which is mindfulness. The most basic question to ask anyone worried about their own nutrition is "do you enjoy eating?" This question needs some mindfulness in order to answer it truthfully, because we all tend to eat with our attention elsewhere and we need the strong sensations of sweet, sour, hot and cold to remind us that we're eating at all.

"Our bodies are actually equipped with much subtler sensors which can tell us whether the food is doing us any good and if we are able to "listen" to the sensors then we can truly learn to enjoy our food." It is this cultivation of enjoyment of food that lies at the heart of his philosophy of nutrition.


Karen Carman Nutrition Tutor

Karen Carman
Karen Carman, originally trained as a Speech and Language Therapist, Karen’s interest in the power of nutritional healing was sparked after it brought her own health back to balance following period of prolonged illness. Realising this was the career for her, Karen then qualified as a Naturopathic Nutritional Therapist in 2001.  

Keen to further her knowledge, she later qualified with diplomas in Child Nutrition, Allergy Therapy and as a Women’s Health Practitioner.

Exploring the psychological elements of nutrition and how our emotional and core beliefs can affect our food choices is central to the way Karen works.

Karen now runs a busy private practice in Monmouthshire, weaving it around her family life.


Sarah Stelling Nutrition Tutor

Sarah Stelling
Sarah has an honours degree in biochemistry and a three-year nutritional therapy diploma from the Institute of Optimum Nutrition (ION). She has been in practice as a nutritional therapist since 2000. Sarah is a registered Nutritional Therapist and Hair Mineral Analysis Consultant. She created the Edinburgh Centre of Nutrition and Therapy (ECNT) in 2005 and it has developed in to a busy and successful nutrition clinic. In addition, Sarah is the senior lecturer at The College of Naturopathic Medicine (CNM) in Edinburgh. Sarah is a registered member with The British Association of Applied Nutrition and Nutritional Therapy (BANT) and the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC), the regulatory body of all UK complementary therapists.


Jacquie Lane Nutrition Tutor

Jacquie Lane
Jacquie has worked in the natural healthcare field since 2007. She is a qualified in Nutritional Therapy and Naturopathic Medicine. During that time (for eight years) Jacquie was The Director of Studies for the Brighton College of Naturopathic Medicine as well as lecturing on their Nutrition courses in Brighton, Bristol and London. Jacquie took over the running of the Biological Testing Services (BTS) for Stool Analysis eight years ago where she specialises in low cost high quality digestive stool analysis. BTS works with only one lab, the Dr. Hauss Laboratory in Germany who have been running for 30 years and are considered the best stool testing laboratory in Germany. In her previous employment Jacquie headed up purchasing and project management teams for various global retailers.


Edward Joy Nutition Tutor

Edward Joy
Edward has worked as a complementary healthcare practitioner since the late 1990's. He is well known for his work as a herbalist but also adopts homeopathy, naturopathy and nutrition into his practice. Edward contributes regularly to articles for Only Natural and Holistic Therapist magazines. His informal lectures and herb walks are attended by health professionals in the UK and throughout Europe from Ireland to Italy. Ed runs BioNutri a Nutritional Supplementary company in Stroud.

 Mani Norland

Course Director: Mani Norland RSHom
Mani Norland is Managing Director of The School of Health and Principal of the School of Homeopathy. Mani trained as a homeopath with the School of Homeopathy. Mani is a founding member of Homeopathy Course Providers Forum and a founding member of the 4Homeopathy (the pro homeopathy group of 11 organsations in the UK). With this group Mani has been instrumental in the re-branding of homeopathy in the UK with the development of a new logo, celebrity campaigns and media intervention. Mani also teaches students in the 4th year about setting up in practice. In his ‘other life’ Mani worked in London as a brand and business consultant for over 10 years. He advised board level directors on business creation, vision and image. Mani is passionate about the positive promotion of homeopathy to the general public and has written many consumer facing articles on homeopathy. He has been interviewed on BBC radio several times.


 Amanda Norland

Course Manager: Amanda Norland BA(Hons)
Amanda Norland is a Director of The School of Health. She is also Course Manager for all the courses. One of her principal roles is to look after the wellbeing of the students. Amanda is responsible for the School of Health network of Tutors and Supervisors. She studied homeopathy at the School of Homeopathy. Prior to taking up her position with The School of Health, Amanda trained as a designer and worked in Bristol and London. Her role led her into talent management at 20|20, where she was responsible for a team of over 20 designers.


Mary Sharma ND, DNMed, BANT, CNHC, became a Nutritional Therapist in 2002.

Prices & enrol online

Nutritional Therapist Course Yr 2

Nutritional Therapist Course Yr 2

Price includes:
Nutritional Therapist Course
Units 5-8
Movie lectures
Clinical event
Core books
Personal tutor
Tutor marking
Online clinics
Discussion groups
Tutor group meetings
1.5 year study period (can be done in 9-12 months)
Post & Packing
(Booklist required)