
Unit 8: Iridology
In this unit we are going to take a brief look at Iridology and its history and practice. Iridology can be useful for all practitioners of holistic medicine. For example, chiropractors can identify the part of the spine that most needs attention; massage therapists can use it to identify areas that most need therapeutic massage; colonic hydrotherapists can see the genetic predisposition of the bowel; homeopaths and acupuncturists can use iridology to see which areas of the body may need a remedy; naturopaths and nutritional therapists can identify which areas of the body require support and which nutrients may be required.
This unit examines the history of iridology, the anatomy of the iris, iris charts and zones of the iris, pupil size and shape, the iris (colour in the iris, the stomach ring, the intestinal ring, the collarette, contraction furrows, nerve rings, scurf rim, lymphatic rosary, circulatory or venous ring, the anaemia ring, cholesterol ring, sodium ring, arcus senilis, bulge), degrees of disease in the iris and lacunae, crypts and defect signs, pigment on the iris, radii, transversals, spleen signs hypothalamus signs, constitutions (the American and Australian School constitutions, the German School, structural sub types, diathesis sub types), emotional / behavioural iridology, miasms, modern iridology and the latest research.
There are two main course books to give you an overview of this subject, however, those of you that are particularly interested in Iridology are also advised to buy Farida Sharon’s original edition of ‘Iridology: A Complete Guide’ as this will give you a thorough grounding in this discipline. For those of you who are not planning on using Iridology in your practice the two essential reading texts will be sufficient for your study.
The unit can therefore be worked though at two levels with the relevant pages of Farida Sharan’s book detailed throughout the text to provide you with a deeper understanding of each section of study. This book draws on many naturopathic principles and techniques and will therefore build on your understanding of naturopathic medicine as well and how to integrate naturopathic techniques into your practice.
Iridology Course
Units: 1
Study Hours: 100
Credits: 10
Time: Estimated 2 months (timing up to you)
Enrolment period: 4 months (with option to extend)
Books: Purchased separately
Certification: Certificate in Iridology
Study Options: E-learning (online) or Correspondence (paper)
Aims of the course
- To be able to use basic skills of Iridology in a clinical setting
- To be able to identify the main iris signs and relate them to your clients health picture
- To be able to identify the major constitutions and understand the associated predispositions to disease
To act as a foundation to more advanced training in Iridology
Why study Iridology?
Iridology is an amazing diagnostic tool which sits comfortably alongside any alternative medical discipline. This module will provide you with the tools to use this discipline in your practice and enhance your understanding of your client’s emotional traits, overall health, constitution, predispositions and inherited factors. The course content will provide you with the necessary information to use Iridology extremely effectively in your practice and also to act as a firm foundation for more advanced study of this incredible discipline.
Note: although this unit does not give you a qualification in iridology, it will give you the basic tools to use iridology in your practice and to be able to identify the main signs in the iris together with the main constitutions. If you are interested in studying iridology in further depth, courses are mentioned at the end of this unit. Iridology is not a prerequisite for being a naturopath but a lot of naturopaths use this useful diagnostic tool. This unit aims to give you a basic overview so that you can use basic Iridology in your practice and also decide whether you would like to learn more about this fascinating subject.
1. Introduction
Q1 Self-assessment questions
2. History of Iridology
Early History
Recent History
Modern Iridology
3. Anatomy of the Iris
Iris development
Collerette Development
Anatomy of the Eye
4. Iris charts & Zones of the Iris
Iris Zones
5. Pupil size & shape
6. Iris Signs Part 1:
Colour in the Iris & Zones 1&2 - Stomach Ring & Intestinal Ring
Colours in the Iris
Ring signs
7. The Collerette
TIndented and Extended Collerette
8. Iris Signs Part 2:
Ring Signs Continued
Contraction Furrows and Nerve Rings
Scurf Rim
Lymphatic rosary
Circulatory or Venous Ring
The Anaemia Ring
Cholesterol ring
Sodium ring
Arcus Senilis
B3 Bulge
9. Iris signs Part 3:
Degrees of Disease in the Iris & Lacunae, Crypts & Defect signs
Topostabile and Topolabile
Iris Stroma
Inherent Weakness or Open Lesions
Defect Signs
10. Iris Signs Part 4:
Pigment on the Iris, Radii, Transversals,
Spleen sign & Hypothalamus sign
White Wisps and Plaques
Pigment on the Iris, Central Heterochromia
Pigment Spots
Psoric Spots
Central Heterochromia
Transversals and Vascularisation
Spleen Sign
Hypothalamus Sign
11. Constitutions Part 1:
The American & Australian School Constitutions
American School
Australian School
12. Constitutions Part 2:
The German School
Constitution, Disposition and Diathesis
The Lymphatic Constitution
Haematogenic Constitution
Mixed biliary
13. Constitutions Part 3:
Structural Sub Types (Disposition)
Anxiety Tetanic
Glandular Constitution
Weak Connective Tissue: Mesenchymal Pathological Constitution
Cardio abdominal syndrome
14. Constitutions Part 4: Diathesis sub types
Pancreatic Constitution
Hyper-acidic or Uric Acid Constitution
Kidney Lymphatic Constitution
Dyscratic Constitution
Miasmic Constitution
15. Emotional/Behavioural Iridology
Primary Type: Analytical or Thinking type: Psora or pigment spots
Primary Type: Emotional type
Secondary Type: Empathetic type
Secondary Type: Driver/Motivator
The Four Behavioural Types
Behavioural Iridology Iris Signs
16. Miasms
17. Modern Iridology & latest research
The dominant iris
Inner Pupillary Border
Hypothalamus sign
Time risk
18. Conclusion