Unit 7: Psychosocial
This unit looks at the role of psychology and psychoanalysis on overall health. All disease stems from the mind; Eastern medicine teaches us that the mind and body directly affect and influence one another. Modern research is proving how important the mind is in maintaining our general health.
Naturopaths need to have an understanding of the history of psychology and the different schools of thought within the psychology and psychoanalysis sector. They also need to have an understanding of how the brain influences the physical body from a modern scientific perspective and have tools at hand that they can offer to their clients in order to help deal with the various stresses that we all have to cope with.
This unit is therefore divided into two parts. The first part covers the history and basics of various psychotherapeutic models (the origins of psychotherapeutic intervention, psychotherapeutic intervention today, psychodynamic practice, humanistic practice, transpersonal practice and cognitive-behavioural practice) together with the different theories relating to the stress trauma response such as the polyvagal theory and Jungian personal theory. You will learn about the role of the therapeutic process, how to assess and relieve the stress-trauma manifestation, as well as psychotherapeutic strategies to implement in practice.
The second part covers the stress response in more detail and the impact of stress on the physical body and its role in chronic disease. You will learn how to identify and treat adrenal fatigue, how to monitor and support stress levels, the role of flower remedies and aromatherapy. The section ends with information about different constitutional types (the four temperaments of Greek medicine, Jungian personality types, Myers Briggs, David Keirsey’s personality types and the Enneagram).
Psychosocial skills Course
Units: 1
Study Hours: 100
Credits: 10
Time: Estimated 2 months (timing up to you)
Enrolment period: 4 months (with option to extend)
Books: Purchased separately
Certification: Certificate in Psychosocial skills
Study Options: E-learning (online) or Correspondence (paper)
Aims of the course
- To provide a basic understanding of the history of psychology
- To provide a basic understanding of the different schools of thought in psychoanalysis
- To provide tools to assess stress levels in your clients
- To provide an in-depth look at the effects of emotional stress on the physical body
- To understand how stress impacts the central nervous system, endocrine system and immune system
- To introduce simple psychoneuroimmunology concepts
- To provide detailed information about adrenal fatigue: how to test for it and how to support clients suffering from it
- To understand the impact of stress upon the adrenals and thyroid glands
- To introduce various personality typing concepts
Why study Psychosocial skills?
Psychosocial skills are required in order to be a registered Naturopath. Stress is probably the most predominant factor in all disease processes and knowledge of how to help your clients deal with their stress levels is of paramount importance in any holistic medical practice. In this module you will learn about the history of psychology and the different schools of psychoanalysis that have developed in the last century, including basic information about the polyvagal theory. The second part of the module looks at the effects of stress upon our physical and emotional states in depth, including adrenal fatigue and thyroid imbalances. Tools for assessing and monitoring stress levels together with various personality typing protocols are included to enhance your skills in this area of practice.
Part A
1. Introduction to Part A
2. Psychotherapeutic Models
Learning objectives
The Origins of Psychotherapeutic Intervention
Psychotherapeutic Intervention Today
Psychodynamic Practice
Humanistic Practice
Transpersonal Practice
Cognitive-Behavioural Practice
3. The Human Stress-Trauma Response
Learning objectives
Stress-Trauma Manifestation
Positive and Negative Stress-Trauma Manifestation
The Role of Perception
The Autonomic Nervous System
The Limbic System
The Fight-Flight-Freeze Response
4. Theories of the Stress-Trauma Response
Learning objectives
Polyvagal Theory
Type A-B-C Personality Theory
Jungian Personal Theory
5. Assessing Stress-Trauma Manifestation
Learning objectives
Measuring Stress-Trauma Levels
Validity of Cognition Scale
Subjective Units of Distress Scale
Holmes-Rahe Life Stress Inventory
Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome
6. The Therapeutic Process
Learning objectives
Stress-Trauma Healing Stages
The Practitioner’s Role
The Client’s Role
Client Questioning
7. Psychotherapeutic Treatment Strategies
Learning objectives
Psychotherapeutic-Counselling Principles
Resolving Projection and Counter-Projection
Resolving Transference and Counter-Transference
Resolving Resistance and Defensive Strategies
Resolving Psychosomatic-Psychogenic Disorders
8. Relieving Stress-Trauma Manifestation
Learning objectives
Alleviating Stress-Trauma Manifestation
Psychotherapeutic Intervention
Lifestyle Changes
Creative Activity
Meditative Practice
Relaxation Practice
Soul-Spirit Healing
Physical Exercise
Body-Oriented Therapy
Emotive-Healing Therapy
Goal Setting and Attainment
9. Conclusion
Assessment Questions for Unit 7/Part A
Part B
1. Introduction to Part B
2. The Stress Response
Learning objectives
The General Adaptation Syndrome (Hans Selye)
The Concept of Adaptation Energy
and the Local Adaptation Syndrome
3. Stress: Part 1
Learning objectives:
Stress and the Immune System
Stress and Kidney Function
Stress and Reproduction
Stress and Blood Sugar
Stress and Digestion
Stress and Mineral Balance
4. Stress: Part 2
Learning objectives
Stress and Chronic Disease
Stress and Exercise
The Gene Connection
5. Stress: Part 3
Learning objectives
Fellowship Programmes
Perception of Stress
Challenge and Threat
6. Allostasis & Allostatic Load
Learning objectives
Allostatic Load
7. Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome Part 1: Identification
Learning objectives
Anatomy and Physiology of the Adrenal Glands
Pregnenolone Steal
Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue
The Stages of Adrenal Fatigue
Simple Clinic Tests for Adrenal Fatigue
Adrenal Stress Laboratory Testing
Additional Stages of Adrenal Fatigue
8. Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome Part 2: Recovery
Learning objectives:
Recovery from Adrenal Fatigue
The importance of sleep
Diet for Adrenal Fatigue
Supplements to Support Adrenal Fatigue
9. Stress & Endocrine changes
Learning objectives
Insulin and Hypoglycaemia
Thyroid health
10. Monitoring & Supporting Stress Levels
Learning objectives
DASS Scores and Relevant Supplementation
Fight Flight Freeze Emotions
Five Element and Miasm Connections
Stress Reduction Techniques
11. Flower & Tree Formulas & Remedies
Learning objectives
Phytobiophysics Flower Formulas
Bach Flower Remedies
Massage, Essential oils, and personality types
12. The Enneagram
Learning objectives
The Enneagram
The Three Centres
Correlations between the Enneagram and Homeopathy
13. Jungian personality types, Briggs & Keirsey
Jungian Personality Types
Myers Briggs Personality Types
Dr. David Keirsey’s Four Temperaments
14. Conclusion
Assessment Questions for Unit 7/Part B