Our Ethics
Happy people
We care about people. That is why we are into health and education (in case you hadn’t guessed). We enjoy people and we believe in helping people and doing right by people. That is why we have a good refund policy. That is why we go out of our way to make things as good as they can be for our students and customers. That is why we ensure we are always fair, honest and open.
Carbon footprint
We try and keep our carbon footprint small. We have looked into it carefully and made sure we save where we can. We calculated consumption! All sorts of consumption, oil, gas, petrol, coal, paper, electricity, trains, plains and automobiles - we rounded everything up and added a bit more just to be sure. We used a carbon calculator to work out exactly how many tons of C02 that lot came to. Once we had the information, we looked at where we could make savings and cuts. We changed the way we did some things and contacted 3rd party suppliers about their products and services.
Perfect paper
Because we send courses out we get through a lot of paper - so where it comes from is important to us! All our stationary and marketing material is printed on 100% recycled post-consumer waste fibres and chlorine-free paper. The paper used in our home study course manuals is 100% recycled. It is manufactured from post-consumer waste, de-inked and bleached in a totally chlorine- free (TCF) process to achieve a high white recycled paper. We only buy recycled paper or paper from businesses who use wood from suppliers who manage their forest resources properly and follow environmental guidelines.
Recycle, reduce, reuse
We sort and recycle everything - it is a habit. It almost feels disappointing to put something in the bin. If the recycling guys won’t pick it up then we save it and do a run to the recycling centre every now and then.
Power down
Every evening, at the end of the working day, we power down and switch off as many electrical items as possible. We like off buttons! Nothing is left on stand-by. Every little light is extinguished. You should hear the silence after you do that – what a difference. Yes, it takes us a little more time at the beginning and end of every day to switch everything on and off but we don’t mind – it's worth it.
Jumpers up, heating down
We avoid using the heating if we can. Not because we don’t like it, or it costs a lot of money, but because it uses energy. When the cold comes we see how long we can hold out. We push ourselves a little further each year. It becomes a test of endurance. The colder it gets the more layers we put on, until finally we can’t move for jumpers and we have to give in.
The power of green
We have solar power. We get lots of our electricity from the sun. Set up by Greenshop most of our energy comes from a renewable source. Greenshop Solar is an accredited renewable energy installer based in Gloucestershire. And of course we use energy efficient bulbs.
We are family
We do a lot to support and nurture the natural health community. Mani Norland was one of the founding members of the 4Homeopathy group formed in 2011. 4Homeopathy brings together eleven of the UK’s largest membership bodies to work together for the good of homeopathy. Collectively they are making great progress and have launched lots of significant projects over the years.
We support a number of different homeopathic charities: Homeopathy Action Trust, the Travelling Homoeopaths Collective, Homeopathy: Medicine for the 21st Century (H:MC21), 4Homeopathy and the Homeopathy Research Institute. Some we help promote, others we offer free homeopathic training to. We have a growing number of students from around the world learning with us for free. It is wonderful to be in the position to give the gift of homeopathy to them.
Albert Schweitzer