Pathology & Disease
Course Content

Each Unit has many “Activities” which incorporate a range of study skills including reading, writing, copying, drawing, reciting, researching and repertorising. The range of learning experiences and the different material (course, movies, audio and books) makes this distance learning course enjoyable and therefore, memorable!

Audio & Movie lectures

Movie Lectures:
Unit 1: Placenta & Breast Feeding (49 mins)
Unit 2: Child Illnesses (55 mins)
Unit 3: Teenagers (55 mins)
Unit 4: Pathological Processes (52 mins)
Unit 5: Male Prostate (37 mins)
Unit 6: Thyroid Gland (30 mins)
Total = 4 hours 38 mins

Audio Lectures:
Unit 1: Pre-conceptual Biology to Weaning (8 mins)
Unit 2: From Infancy to Puberty (13 mins)
Unit 3: Digestive System (12 mins)
Unit 4: Respiratory System (14 mins)
Unit 5: The Breast (9 mins)
Unit 6: Pathology of the Head and Brain (18 mins)
Total = 1 hour 14 mins

Full contents with learning outcomes:


Introduction to pathology & disease
Course content
How to follow this course
Course structure
Course textbooks
Additional reading
Internet resources
Assignment questions
Study time & re-enrolment fee
Refund of course fee

Unit one

Pre-conceptual biology to weaning
Learning outcomes

Cell biology
Cell division - mitosis and meiosis
A tiny bit of genetics
Fertilisation of the egg

Following fertilisation
Implantation and the development of a foetus
Pre-natal testing
Development of the placenta
The three trimesters of pregnancy
Allopathic treatment in pregnancy

The three stages of labour
Homeopathic treatment during birth
Medical procedures used during labour
Immediate post-natal care of mother and baby

The breast
The anatomy and physiology of breast tissue
The role of hormones in breast function
The production of breast milk
The composition of breast milk
The importance of colostrum

Healthy nutrition
The importance of dietary lipids
The diet of the breast feeding mother
Lactose intolerance

Breast feeding
Why is breast milk so important?
Homeopathic remedies for breast feeding
The psychological impact of breast feeding
The effects of stress on a baby
Discussion of the rubric ‘forsaken’
Why many of us are obsessed with eating

Breast disorders
Common breast symptoms

Unit two

From infancy to puberty
Learning outcomes

Newborns and infants
Meconium aspiration syndrome
Respiratory distress syndrome and physical examination of the baby
Hyperbilirubinaemia (HBRA)
Stools and urine
Feeding problems

Young children
Case taking
Developmental milestones
Physical development
Intellectual, emotional and social development
Development of fine motor skills leading to drawing
Sleep problems
Acute childhood illnesses
Respiratory system disorders
Skin disorders
Running a busy practice and treating children
Treating behavioural problems in childhood
Mental health disorders which develop in childhood
Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome

Unit three

Adolescence and puberty
Learning outcomes
Case taking
Normal adolescents
Characteristic changes at puberty
Separation and independence
Physiological changes
Psychological changes
Development of sexual identity
Common medical problems affecting teenagers

Digestive system
Learning outcomes
Problems arising in the digestive system
General disorders of the gastro-intestinal tract
Medical history and physical examination
Protection of the gastro-intestinal tract
Specific disorders of the gastro-intestinal tract
Disordered nutrition
Microbial infections
Mental-emotional stresses
Disorders of the liver, gall bladder and pancreas

Unit four

The Respiratory System
Learning outcomes
How disease arises in the respiratory tract
The inflammatory process
Hay fever
The development of chronic lung disorders

Cardiovascular system (CVS)
Learning outcomes
Blood pressure
High blood pressure
Low blood pressure
Heart attacks

Unit five

Urinary system
Learning Outcomes
Signs of incipient toxicity
Categorising disease of the urinary system
Recognising the symptoms of urinary tract disorders
Kidney stones
Urinary incontinence
Non-infective conditions of the urinary tract
Blood pressure problems
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

Men’s health
Learning Outcomes
Understanding the male psyche
Male archetypes
Why do men not seek help?
Pathology of the male
Pathology of the male reproductive system
Sexually transmitted diseases
Male infertility

Women’s health
Learning Outcomes
Understanding the female psyche
Female archetypes
Why do women seek treatment?
Pathology of the female
Disorders of the external genitalia
Disorders of the internal genitalia
Menstrual disorders

Unit six

Musculo-skeletal system
Learning outcomes
Finding symptoms in the repertory
Disease processes and inflammation
Causes and effects of inflammation
Bone growth
Physical examinations
Sports injuries
Back pain

Endocrine system
Learning outcomes
Understanding endocrine disorders
Pituitary gland
Thyroid gland
Adrenal glands

Mental Health
Learning outcomes
Mental health and the Organon
Drug abuse and psychosis
Brain and neurological disorders
The blood brain barrier (BBB)
Myalgic encephalopathy (ME)

The last word

Key Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Understand the development of human life from preconception to weaning.
  • Understand pathologies from preconception to weaning and associated.
  • Understand the developmental stages from birth to puberty.
  • Understand common childhood pathologies and associated treatments.
  • Understand the developmental changes during adolescence and puberty.
  • Understand pathologies during adolescence and puberty.
  • Understand the pathologies of the digestive system.
  • Understand pathologies of the respiratory system.
  • Understand pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
  • Understand pathologies of the urinary system.
  • Understand pathologies of the reproductive system.
  • Understand pathologies of the musculo-skeletal system.
  • Understand pathologies of the endocrine system.
  • Understand mental health disorders.
Did you know; on average, people get 2-4 colds per year

Prices & enrol online

Pathology & Disease Course

Pathology & Disease Course

Price includes:
P&D Course
Units 1-6
Movie lectures
Personal tutor
Tutor marking
Tutor group meetings
2 year study period (can be done in 9-12 months)
Post & Packing