Higher Diploma (Part 2) Course Testimonials

My certificate was waiting for me when I arrived home yesterday evening. Thank you very much. I have completely loved this course.  The last four years have been amazing, wonderful, utterly joyful and thrilling.  I feel privileged to have been a part of it.  Thank you both for all you do and for making The School of Homeopathy such a joy to attend. Fern, Graduate

Alastair, Graduate

Homeopathy made quite a splash in my life. Many homeopaths will tell you a similar story. I had an existing health drama which had tormented me for years. Having tried everything eventually I saw a homeopath and after just one treatment….bam! Gone. Brilliant, so I started to look around for some education in Homeopathy. I tried New Zealand. I tried Australia. I tried Greece. Then I talked to Misha from the School of Homeopathy and the decision became an easy one. I studied by distance for a year and then moved to England in 1993 for the express purpose of finishing my study of homeopathy. I wanted to study with the best. And it was just awesome. Studying with the School of Homeopathy was a delightful mix of art and science. Inspiration and rigor. Hard work and fun. Long walks and time with my head in the books. I have now been living, practicing and teaching homeopathy daily for the last 17 years. What I am forever grateful for was the grounding in fundamental philosophy which was emphasized so heavily by Misha. It is this grounding and clarity that I received which has been the foundation of my practice. I run a busy practice in the middle of Sydney. It emphasized for me that homeopathy is not the mere dispensing of medicines and remedies but a philosophy based upon an understanding what is health and what is not. In an age of passionless evidence-based medicine it was the kernel of inspiration that has kept me chipping away at this discipline. I feel very fortunate to have been given that opportunity to train in England with The School of Homeopathy. It was never flat and never dry. What has always impressed me so much about the school is that it has always been at the forefront of innovative technological delivery, making it interesting, flexible and manageable for those attending or a great distance away without losing its basic ethos and central heart. Looking through the website simply confirms for me that it’s a great way to study homeopathy and if you are able to attend it’s the best place to study homeopathy.

What can I say about the School of Homeopathy?! It is hard to put into words..... The excellent, enthusiastic, inspiring and engaging teaching is just commonplace! The love and fascination for homeopathy shines through all the teaching. And beyond this what has touched me so much is the genuine caring for us as students, to turn us into dedicated and well-prepared homeopaths with good homeopathic knowledge, and also awareness of how we put ourselves across, thanks to your professional guidance, and then another layer of caring for homeopathy itself, by your direct and painstaking work to look after, promote and nourish the profession. This is no small thing, very, very special, and much appreciated. The only thing I am not so sure about is leaving! Amanda, Graduate

Jo, Student

What I love about homeopathy is that you never stop learning; every case brings something different and exciting. I have an enormous fondness for The School of Homeopathy as it enabled me to pursue something I love. I would recommend the course highly on every level. The teaching is varied and brilliant and the student support is excellent. The School of Homeopathy is in such an exquisite setting in which to study. I felt ready to set up in practice and I felt confident about my homeopathic training, philosophy, remedies etc. I honestly enjoyed pretty much every minute at School.

Meg, Student

It's a very exciting time for me and I can't wait until I receive my diploma. D.Hom sounds so good to me!!!!!  I'll miss the constant support and feedback from my dear tutor. She has been phenomenal! However, this is my next leg of the journey and, through the solid foundation that I've received from the school, I know that I'm ready for it.

Polly, Graduate

My four years at The School of Homeopathy were the most special learning I have ever received. When I decided to embark on my training as a homeopath I asked everyone where I should train and they said The School of Health was the only place for me to study and I would get the best education. They were right. I was exposed to the teachings of some of the best lecturers and homeopaths (many nationally and internationally acclaimed). I left fully equipped and confident to start a practice. My four years travelling to The School whizzed past and I loved it. I met life long new friends and have extremely fond memories of my time at the School. It was unique.

Anita, Student

My studies through the School of Homeopathy were the richest and most satisfying educational experience I have had - and that's saying a lot, as I have been through university, allopathic medical school, psychiatric residency training, and Jungian analytic training.

I have been in practice now for over three years and I can say without reservation that I feel very fortunate to have had the benefit of the excellent training of such a reputable school. When I compare the thoroughness and depth of this distance learning program with that of other schools I am so grateful to have chosen this one! Janet, Graduate

Grazyna, Graduate

I began The School’s correspondence course in 1988 whilst I was still a research worker at the post-16 Education Centre, Institute of Education. I chose this course because it would enable me to pursue my passion for homeopathy without interfering with work and commitments to my young family. As an educationist at the time I had few, if no, expectations of a correspondence course so I was pleasantly surprised to discover useful yet challenging support from my allocated tutor, enjoyable tutorial days and a wide variety of assignments designed to stretch my imagination and lay the foundations for new skills as well as deepen my understanding. Since I qualified the School has continued to evolve and develop its curriculum, pioneering in its approaches to feedback and assessment, clinical supervision, personal tutorials and the latest developments within homeopathy ……. and at the centre of it all ………. always the patient  …….. Aphorism 1.

I have been very impressed at the standard of everything in this Course, from presentation to lectures, online site, level of expertise, and particularly the friendliness and general ‘humanity’ of all the team! Lesley, Student

"I have learnt such a great deal about myself through this study"

Prices & enrol online

Homeopathy Yr 4 Higher Diploma (Part 2) Course Units 21-26

Price includes:
Homeopathy course study guide
Units 21-26
Movie lectures
Personal tutor
Tutor marking
Discussion groups
Online clinics
Tutor group meetings
2 year study period (can be done in 12 months)
Post & Packing
(Booklist 4 recommended)