
Nutritional Therapist Advanced Course Certificate
Rigorous external assessment is provided through completion of the comprehensive assignments sets, with high standards of tutor marking. The Nutrition Therapist Advanced Diploma is equivalent to NVQ Level 6 and will provide you with a solid education in Nutrition and the learning that is required to set up in practice, provided you meet the following requirements:
- Completion of The School of Health’s Nutritional Therapist Advanced Course (Units 9-12)
- Clinical Supervision
- Attendance of a minimum of 10 hours of Online Clinics
- Attendance of Clinical Observation Events
- Completion of The School of Health’s Nutritional Therapist Course (Units 1-8)
- Completion of The School of Health’s Anatomy & Physiology Course
The holder of this Nutritional Therapist Advanced Diploma is entitled to use the legend: NT.Adv.Dip after their name.
Profession standards
We work with criteria and standards set by the profession for the profession; National Occupational Standards, Core Elements, Guidance on Clinical Hours etc. This ensures that when you study one of our courses you can be confident that it meets the requirements of the profession for the set level of the qualification.
Education level
Over the years we have worked with many accreditation associations and awarding bodies. All of our courses have set learning outcomes and assessment criteria, and these have been benchmarked against national frameworks. To ensure consistency/accuracy mapping work has been assessed by third party qualification specialists. This ensures the level assigned to a course accurately maps against that education level.
Federation of Nutritional Therapy Practitioners
This Nutrition Therapist Diploma course is fully accredited by the Federation of Nutritional Therapy Practitioners suitable for those who wish to practice Nutrition. As a graduate from this Nutrition Therapist Advanced Diploma Course you are also eligible to join. FNTP is the largest and fastest growing professional body for practitioners of nutritional therapy in Europe, FNTP Accredited Courses provide the reassurance of recognition for insurance and practice in almost all European countries and students outside Europe can become members too. Because our Nutritional Therapist Course is FNTP Accredited when you graduate with this qualification the award is considered, by main international bodies, to be appropriate for practice.
Naturopathic Nutrition Association (NNA)
Graduates from the Nutritional Therapist Advanced courses can join the Naturopathic Nutrition Association (NNA). The NNA is a UK professional association for Nutritional Therapists who practice in accordance with naturopathic principles.
NNA provides the reassurance of recognition for insurance in the UK and students outside the UK can become members too. Because our Nutritional Therapist Course is NNA validated when you graduate with this qualification the award is considered, by main international bodies, to be appropriate for practice.
Once you join the NNA you will be listed as a Nutritional Therapist on their public register. The NNA Register is a published list of nutritionists who work to a set educational standard and within an established code of ethics. Potential patients seeking a nutritionist therapist, trained to a high standard, can access this Register to find someone in their area. Please note that completion of our International programme does not always confer an automatic license to practice in your country. Whilst we have a good recognition in the UK it is wise to review the official recognition policies of your own country before setting up in practice.
Benefits of being an NNA member:
Full members are entitled to use the designatory letters MNNA and (if they wish to) appear on the Association’s Register of Therapists.
Associate members are entitled to use the designatory letters MNNA and (if they wish) appear on the Association’s Register of Nutrition Advisors. They must state on their own website and literature that they are associate members of the NNA
Members are eligible for professional indemnity insurance cover at favourable rates. International students are unlikely to be covered by the insurance as it is a UK based scheme, please contact the NNA for more information.
General Naturopathic Council (GNC)
The General Naturopathic Council (GNC) is the regulator for Naturopathy in the UK. To be a competent Naturopath, a practitioner must have completed a required amount of training in different disciplines (usually amounting to around 6-7 years training). GNC is the body that ensures Naturopaths have completed this standard of training and agree to abide by a strict code of conduct and ethics.
As a full member of the NNA you will also be able to register with the GNC as Associate Naturopath. If you wish to go on and become a full member of the GNC and a fully registered and insured Naturopath then, following your Nutritional Therapist Advanced Course, you can continue onto The School of Health’s Naturopathy Course. Please contact us for more details.
Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC)
CNHC is a voluntary regulator for complementary healthcare practitioners. Full members of the NNA may be eligible to make an application with the CNHC (Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council) for the Naturopathy and Nutritional Therapy registers.
Full members of the NNA who are graduates of the NNA’s accredited courses may use the CNHC’s fast track application to be submitted to the CNHC’s naturopathy register via the NNA, subject to completion of the NNA’s NOS and Core Elements Statements of practice for Naturopathy. For the Nutritional Therapy register case studies and a career summary may also be required.
Professional Standards Authority
The PSA help to protect the public through their work with organisations that register and regulate people working in health and social care. They regulate professional registers for doctors, nurses, dentists, homeopaths, acupuncturists and naturopaths. In natural health not every register is with the PSA. The CNHC and The Society of Homeopaths are PSA accredited.
The PSA is independent and accountable to the UK Parliament. Their reports help Parliament monitor and improve the protection of the public. The Health Committee use their performance review reports to question the regulators they oversee about their work. They also encourage organisations to improve the way they register and regulate health and care practitioners in the UK.
The Register is a published list of nutritionists who work within an established code of ethics. Since the School is a recognised course provider in nutritional education, our Nutritional Therapist Advanced Diploma, given on completion of our Nutritional Therapist Advanced Course, leads to immediate registration in the UK. Potential patients seeking a nutritionist practitioner trained to a high standard can access this Register to find someone in their area.
Please note that completion of our International programme does not always confer an automatic license to practice. Whilst we have a good recognition in the UK it is wise to review the official recognition policies of your own country before setting up in practice.
The course certification is widely accepted, recommended and used by many schools, colleges and individuals as part of their integrated training programmes. If you have further education in mind we recommend that you check with your college to make sure our course is recognised for the necessary high standards. We are happy to help in this respect.
There are 4 - 6 assignments at the end of each unit that you send to your tutor via the online system, e-mail or post. These are assessed and returned to you.
To complete the course you have to attain a passing grade in each of the assignments. You will then be awarded The School of Health's Nutritional Therapist Advanced Diploma Certificate.
Please note: you will only be assigned a tutor, be able to send work for assessment and receive a certificate on completion of the course if you purchase it with tutor marking. If you purchase the course without tutor marking it is possible to upgrade it to include the services of a tutor later.
By purchasing a distance-learning or online course from The School of Health you are assured of receiving a high quality product, service and care. We are registered members of the Complementary Medical Association (CMA), who are recognised by the public and doctors alike as the leading organisation in the field of ethical, professional complementary medicine. The CMA is totally dedicated to representing 'the professional face of complementary medicine' and promoting research, education and knowledge in the field.
- The Federation of Nutritional Therapy Practitioners (FNTP)
- The Association of Distance Learning Colleges (ADLC)
- The British Holistic Medical Association (BHMA)
- The Complementary Medical Association (CMA)
Prices & enrol online

Nutritional Therapist Advanced Course Yr 3
Price includes:
Nutritional Therapist Advanced Course study guide
Units 9-12
Movie lectures
Core books
Tutor marking
Discussion groups
Online clinics
clinical event
Tutor group meetings
1.5 year study period (can be done in 9-12 months)
Post & Packing
(Booklist required)