First Aid for Pets
Course Content
The Homeopathy First Aid for Pets Course & Remedy Kit comprises:
- Study of homeopathic philosophy and methods
- Study of acute and first aid treatments for pets and animals
- Pets and animal use of homeopathic medicines
- Self-assessment questions and cases
- Tutor assessment and certificate
- Memory stick containing lectures on homeopathy and remedies
- Three books on homeopathic philosophy and medicines
- Voucher for additional homeopathic study
- Voucher for additional remedies and pharmacy
- 10ml of the liquid flower formula SOeSsence
- 24 homeopathic remedies in 30c and 200c potency
The course
Here is a quick overview of each of the main sections, greater detail is given below.
Part 1 Introduction
This gives you a brief overview of homeopathy, its history and its development.
Part 2 Homeopathic principles
This explains the basic principles of classical homeopathy, so that you can understand the philosophy underpinning its application and what healing outcomes to expect.
Part 3 First steps to using homeopathy for animals
We introduce a commonly used remedy for you to start using straight away, prior to undertaking your main study.
Part 4 Animal case receiving and prescribing guidelines
This gives you guidelines on receiving the case, assessing symptoms and finding the most appropriate remedy (prescribing).
Part 5 Animal case examples
To help you learn more about homeopathy and casework, we have included 21 sample cases. The first two are fully worked through; the remaining 19 are self-assessment questions, so you can have a go yourself and check your understanding with our answer at the course ‘Answers’ section.
This section holds all the answers to the self-assessment questions and cases and should not be looked at until you have attempted the questions yourself first.
Once you have worked through the course, having completed all the self-assessment questions, watched the movies on the memory stick and read the books, you will be ready to tackle the assignments. These are optional.
Course Memory Stick
The memory stick provides a important part of the learning. It is divided into five sections to fit with the five parts of the course. The movie chapters follow most of the course sections, so you can watch the relevant chapter on the memory stick as you work your way through the course.
Course books
Everyday Homeopathy for Animals,
by Francis Hunter MRCVS, VetFFHom
This very practical book will be of great help in giving indications of remedies that are commonly needed in certain conditions. It also gives a great deal of information on conditions common to types of animals as well as the special challenges of prescribing to animals (who can’t tell you verbally how they feel).
Get Well Soon, by Misha Norland and students of the School of Homeopathy
This little gem of a book is perfect for getting started in homeopathy and as a quick reference guide to acute and first aid homeopathy. It is fantastic for helping you deal with accidents and common ailments at home quickly, safely and effectively. It will become your main reference for prescribing and should be kept with the remedy kit.
Homeopathy, A Rational Choice in Medicine, by Mo Morrish
This book will help you learn more about homeopathy and how it stacks up against modern mainstream western medicine. It helps to dispel some of the myths surrounding homeopathy, enabling you to make more informed decisions about healthcare.
Tutor marking
The fee for assessment and certification is included in the price of the course. Successful completion leads to the The School of Health and the School of Homeopathy's ‘Homeopathy First Aid’ certificate.
Course remedy kit
The Pet Remedy Kit from Helios Homeopathic Pharmacy contains 24 homeopathic medicines in 30c potency and 10ml of the liquid flower formula SOeSsence. By the end of the course it is expected that you will be familiar with them all:
Aconite 30c
Arnica 30c
Apis 30c
Aconite/Arsenicum/Argent-nit 30c
Arsenicum 30c
Belladonna 30c
Bryonia 30c
Cantharis 30c
Cocculus 30c
Drosera 30c
Euphrasia 30c
Gelsemium 30c
Hypericum/Calendula 30c
Hepar sulph 30c
Ignatia 30c
Ipecacuanha 30c
Mercury corr 30c
Ledum 30c
Nux vomica 30c
Pulsatilla 30c
Rhus tox/Ruta 30c
Silicea 30c
Sulphur 30c
Symphytum 30c
Helios SOeSence Flower Formula 10ml
Great savings! The pack comes with a School of Homeopathy voucher worth £75.00 and can be redeemed against further study and a Helios Homeopathic Pharmacy voucher worth £15.00 that can be redeemed against remedy orders so you can keep your kit topped up.
Full course content
Welcome & Guidelines
Part 1
1.1 The history of homeopathy
1.2 Hahnemann and the first principles
1.3 Glossary of commonly used terms in homeopathy
Part 2
2.1 A homeopathic view of health
2.2 Levels of being within totality
2.3 Acute and chronic disease
2.4 Self-healing and the vital force
2.5 Exciting causes
2.6 Law of similars
2.7 Susceptibility
2.8 Suppression
2.9 Pharmacy
2.10 Minimum dose
2.11 Single dose
2.12 Provings
2.13 Other ways of finding information
2.14 Direction of cure
2.15 A final note
Part 3
3.1 First steps – using Aconite homeopathically
Part 4
4.1 Acute case analysis
4.2 Symptom categorisations
4.3 Receiving the chronic case - an overview
4.4 Receiving the acute case
4.5 Acute case examples
4.6 Taking the remedy
4.7 Dosage and repetition
4.8 What changes can be expected after taking the remedy?
4.9 What about aggravations?
4.10 The appearance of ‘new’ symptoms during treatment
4.11 When is the remedy changed?
4.12 Is homeopathy safe? Are there side-effects?
4.13 Cautionary guidelines
Part 5
5.1 Self-assessed cases
Case 3 Fly the Sheepdog
Case 4 Rodney the Gelding
Case 5 Muffin the Tabby cat
Case 6 Mopsy the Rabbit
Case 7 Boris the Dachshund
Case 8 Rafferty the Billy Goat
Case 9 Lucy the Donkey
Case 10 Victoria the Siamese cat
Case 11 Henrietta Maria the Hen
Case 12 Goldilocks the Afghan hound
Case 13 Bali the Guinea pig
Case 14 Graham the Greyhound
Case 15 Edna the Blue Burmese cat
Case 16 Sebastian the hamster
Case 17 Lamb No. 209
Case 18 Black Beauty the horse
Case 19 Ginger the Tamworth pig
Case 20 Henry the Dog
Case 21 Old Tom
Three remedies in depth
Sulphur, Mercurius, Natrum muriaticum
Homeopathic Vets & Trails
Self-assessment questions A-I
Self-assessment cases 3-21
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