Higher Diploma (Part 1) Course Testimonials
Thank you for giving me a life-changing, beautiful experience. Not only did I receive the best homeopathic education, one that is actually world renowned, but I received something that changed my life in the best way possible. Sue, Student
Sara, Student
I thought the sessions were wonderful!! I felt I entered a new world during my weekend with The School of Homeopathy. Misha and the students were so inspiring. I felt it was so refreshing to be with such people. I also felt very present in the sessions. I felt there was a direct and clear communication between the group. It was honest and from the heart. I found it very useful to look at the video cases. I also found it fascinating how Misha could pick out the relevant aspects of the case with such ease. He opened up the cases for us in a very insightful way. I found it interesting to note my reactions to each case. One particular case made me and two other students shake with laughter till tears rolled down our faces. I don't know if it was the case or just a release of emotion. It was funny! Another made me feel heavy and anxious. In the third case, I felt sad and wanted to hug the child that was being interviewed. I liked the meditation at the beginning of each session. It sort of brought the group together and brought our awareness into focus.
I attended the School of Homeopathy International Summer School and it was great to meet students from other parts of the world! I used to love the science subjects at school, particularly physics and chemistry. I love the way homeopathy brings together so many elements for me! I better understood the rationale behind using the Periodic Table at the Seminar. This is another avenue that I want to delve into. We also looked at the Kingdoms. The cases we watched, which required Lac Lupinum and Bald Eagle were fascinating!! I left The School of Homeopathy happily thinking that there is still so much to learn. I look forward to attending next year’s seminar.
It was the beginning of a journey for me that is, of course, still ongoing. It was not just Homeopathy that we were learning, it was healing itself and this has flowed into the very furthest reaches. Vanessa, Student
Anita, Graduate
My studies through the School of Homeopathy were the richest and most satisfying educational experience I have had - and that's saying a lot, as I have been through university, allopathic medical school, psychiatric residency training, and Jungian analytic training. For me as a mature woman with a busy professional, family and personal life, the format of The School's curriculum worked very well. I worked intensively on my studies and completed the entire Practitioner's Diploma in less than three years (this while I was also completing my analytic training). I was thrilled with the close relationship I developed with my tutor as well as the relationships that evolved over the years with the teachers at the seminars and workshops, not to mention the camaraderie and relationships that developed amongst the students. In addition, since I work with Jung's ideas of the psyche and spirit in my depth psychotherapy and analytic practice, The School of Homeopathy's affinity for Jung's work fits very well with my professional practice.
Today, nearly ten [I think?] years after beginning my course of study with The School, the practice of homeopathy is seamlessly blended into my practice as a Jungian analyst. Most of my analytic patients have remedies from me and I also work with other therapists' and analysts' patients for homeopathic consultations. In addition, because I am also a psychiatrist, I receive patients who have been diagnosed with "psychiatric illnesses" and work with them to taper off their allopathic medications while we are also working with homeopathy. This is deeply satisfying and I have found over these years that I often can offer considerable assistance to such individuals. I have also begun to teach other psychotherapists and analysts about the utility of combining homeopathy and depth psychotherapy. I am deeply grateful to The School of Homeopathy for the strong and clear foundation it offered me in my ongoing study of homeopathy.
Janine, Graduate
One major benefit of this correspondence course is that I can do my work in the comfort of my home, in hours and days that suit me and I can take as long as I feel I need to, to finish the course. There are no strict time lines. The tutors and admin staff are always there for you and return emails very quickly. You are treated as a very special member of The School of Homeopathy regardless of where you are in the world and there is a great sense of caring from all there. I would also like to add that I found the two adjunct courses of Pathology & Disease and Anatomy & Physiology are extremely interesting and are presented in a very beautiful way that is relevant to Homeopathy. You will love them. Thank you very much for all your support – it is hugely appreciated. I now have the best and highest qualifications I can get in my profession so I am very happy. I fully recommend that you take this step forward and enrol with The School of Homeopathy.
I realised that the education and the spirit which informed it was special. I had received a vision of what healing could achieve at the highest level and I was and am passing this on, helping people live at their full potential. Bill, Student
Esther, Student
I am definitely glad I changed over to E-learning. Just in this lecture I learnt more about how to take a case and how to look at a patient than in the past 3 years of studying. This lecture brought the enthusiasm back in me as I watched it in amazement! I am sure most of the students who cannot attend regular classes will eventually change over to E-learning, it makes that much of a difference! I have looked into the program and watched some video lectures and only by going through 3 of them I have seen the light!! Suddenly it clicked only because I could watch it with my own eyes. It helps so much and I am glad I changed over and that you started this new program. Thank you.
Charu, Graduate
As a long distant student, I started out a little apprehensive about what I would get from the course. I had never done a long distant course before and it was my first exposure to learning homeopathy. However, this course not only helped me become a homeopath but has also kindled an interest in learning about our place in the world. The deep understanding of remedies the School tries to inculcate, the emphasis on looking at them from several angles generates respect and belief in the interconnectedness of all things. The firm grounding in homeopathic philosophy has time and again helped me cure inveterate case and guided me to the right follow up action. I have been very lucky to have found such a wonderful School purely through a web search. For me the best part of this education has been the realization it has given me of what true healing is and how much we can all help each other if we really try.
I chose this course because it would enable me to pursue my passion for homeopathy without interfering with work. I was pleasantly surprised to discover useful yet challenging support from my allocated tutor, enjoyable tutorial days and a wide variety of assignments designed to stretch my imagination, lay the foundations for new skills as well as deepen my understanding. Grazyna, Student
Janet, Graduate
I have been in practice now for over three years and I can say without reservation that I feel very fortunate to have had the benefit of the excellent training of such a reputable school. It took five years for me to receive my Practitioner’s Diploma and I can honestly say I enjoyed every minute of my training. The quality of the instruction and the dedication of the staff under the experienced mentorship of Misha Norland were excellent. When I compare the thoroughness and depth of this distance learning program with that of other schools I am so grateful to have chosen this one! My tutor was always ready with encouragement and constructive criticism every step of the way. The clinical workshops and the seminars were enthralling, instructive and a lot of fun! The complete grounding I received from the School has held me in good stead to proceed with assurance, even with complex patients. When you are given a solid foundation you can keep on building with confidence!
Prices & enrol online
Homeopathy Yr 3 Higher Diploma (Part 1) Course Units 15-20
Price includes:
Homeopathy course study guide
Units 15-20
Movie lectures
Personal tutor
Tutor marking
Discussion groups
Online clinics
Tutor group meetings
2 year study period (can be done in 12 months)
Post & Packing
(Booklist 3 recommended)