Study Options

We offer you the option of either Online Learning or Correspondence. Around ninety percent of students choose Online Learning but the choice is yours and regardless of which study method you choose you will have access to lots of great learning materials and resources.


The course contents are identical, it is only the delivery system that changes. Whatever you choose you will receive the best education and materials collected from the finest teaching from the School. Online or E-Learning is ideal for those who get on well with computers and have good access to the web and reasonable internet speeds. Correspondence suits those students who prefer to receive all the course and handouts as paper units with course movie lectures (if available) on a memory stick, all posted to you. Online students upload their work to the Online Learning System, correspondence students usually email or post their work.

If you need help deciding which study option is for you then we are here to help. Simply contact us and one of our friendly staff will take you through the differences so you can make the best choice for you.

Both study options can be started when you like and for each module you are given generous amounts of time to complete it (twice as long as required), giving you complete flexibility.


Course Correspondence E-learning
Homeopathy First Aid Yes No
Homeopathy Taster Yes Yes
Homeopathy Yr 1 Foundation Yes Yes
Homeopathy Yr 2 Intro into Practice Yes Yes
Homeopathy Yr 3 Higher (Part 1) Yes Yes
Homeopathy Yr 4 Higher (Part 2) Yes Yes
Nutrition for Beginners Yes No
Nutrition Advisor Yes Yes
Nutrition Therapist Yes Yes
Nutrition Therapist Advanced
Yes Yes
Naturopathy Yes Yes
Herbal Medicine Yes Yes
Yoga Foundation Yes Yes
Anatomy & Physiology
Yes Yes
Pathology & Disease Yes Yes



  • Sent in the post
  • Study at your own pace
  • Ideal for those who do not have access to a computer
  • Memory stick containing movie lectures and audio lectures sent with the pack
  • Online support tools provided, but are optional


  • Instant online access to course materials
  • Stream audio and audio visual recordings online
  • Hand in assignments online, no postal fees
  • Feedback from tutors received quickly
  • Instant chat to connect with other students


I just wanted to say your website and your course online learning system website I rate at 20 out 10. It's so easy to navigate, so professionally well done, so thoughtfully done, so very stand out exceptional in the digital world. It's not easy studying online and so far away from the school, with very little hope of me ever attending in person, considering the immense obstacles in the way of international travel these days, but your website is so very well done I've quickly grown to love it. I look forward to one thing and one thing only and that's logging onto your website everyday. When I get up in the morning, the first thing I do is log on to your website. I don't even make a cup of tea first thing anymore. Jacqueline

Start when you like, study at a pace that suits you, continual assessment - there are no exams