Why study with us?

I am totally impressed at how thorough and well-designed the course is, how beautifully and seamlessly everything progresses, it is all written and designed with such integrity and professionalism.

1. Longevity

established in 1981 (School of Homeopathy) and 1987 (The School of Health) and going from strength to strength. We are now one of the longest running alternative medicine schools in the UK and we remain a family business.

2. Celebrating the individual

our course blends many models and approaches and actively encourages each student to find their own self expression through their work - their own unique style in the practice of alternative medicine.

3. World class curriculum

you will leave with a whole range of skills and methods and hopefully a highly tuned sense of self awareness to take you through many years of practice. We have a worldwide reputation of being at the highest level of quality and depth of learning and many of our students enrol through personal recommendations from students and homeopaths.

4. Flexibility to suit your needs

you can start our home study courses whenever it suits you and work at a pace that complements your daily commitments. All our courses offer double the amount of time required to complete the study so you have plenty of flexibility if you need to take a short break from studying, or indeed if you wish to work faster!

5. No unnecessary stress

all our courses are made up of easy to manage study Units which are marked and assessed using continuous assessment with a specialist personal tutor. There are no exams, so there is no need to get stressed!

6. Student support & nurture

our office is open all week (Monday-Friday 9.30-5.30), for pastoral care and practical support. You will receive ongoing and individual care and feedback through our network of mentors, tutors and teachers with written feedback for every piece of your work. All being well, you will stay with your personally assigned mentor throughout your course and this allows for a greater bond and understanding.

7. We create healers, not just practitioners

our courses are well known for taking students on a journey of discovery into self-awareness and self-reflection, using various teaching methods to bring this to life. We aim to unravel the mysteries of life and health and help to integrate this into a wealth of homeopathic knowledge and practical skills.