Nutritional Therapist Advanced Course Contents

The Nutritional Therapist Advanced Diploma Course Stage 3 (Units 9-12) follows on seamlessly from the School of Health Nutritional Therapist Course Stage 1 & Stage 2 (Units 1-8 incl. Anatomy & Physiology). The Nutritional Therapist Advanced Course Stage 3 comprises: Units 9-12, Clinical Observation and Clinical Supervision.

Contents overview:

Unit 9 - Applied Nutrition

Within Unit 9 students will study cellular energy and how nutrient deficiencies affect this process leading to various disease conditions. We also study oxidative stress and how this is at the root of many disease states. We then look at the area of gene testing and the various single nucleotide polymorphisms or SNPs and how these impact upon health. Unit 9 builds on the nutritional biochemistry foundation that students leant in Stages 1 and 2 (Units 1-8).

Unit 9 Contents

Nutritional Biochemistry     
Introduction to chemistry    
Organic chemistry   
Functional groups   
Structure of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids   

The Citric Acid Cycle & Cellular Respiration    
Acetyl Co Enzyme A   
The Citric Acid Cycle    
Reduction and Oxidation (Redox)   
Nucleotides & Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms   
Single nucleotide polymorphisms - SNP’s   

Nutrition in Practice    
Energy production and storage   
Metabolic rate   
Energy requirements   
Energy Balance    

Unit 9 Movie Lectures

Biochemistry parts 1-7    
Mary Sharma      
Nutrition in Practice
Mary Sharma

Unit 10 - Clinical Skills & Supervision

In this Unit, and the accompanying side book 'Nutrition Assessment Techniques', students look in more depth at the client/therapist relationship including taking the case, dealing with difficult clients, progressing the case, motivational techniques and reflective practice. Students will then be working with clients together with the guidance of their supervisor.

Unit 10 Contents

Clinical Skills  
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs    
Motivational interviewing   
Neural Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques    
Behavioural Change Theories    
Communicating with your client    
Reflective practice    

Clinical Supervision  
Guidelines - A Quick Look   
Starting in Practice   
Already in Practice   
What is Clinical Supervision?   
Why Do We Need Supervision?   

Preparing for Supervision   
Duration and Cases   
When to Start Supervision   
Supervision Costs   
Clinical Supervisors   

The Supervision Process  
Applying for Supervision   
Starting Supervision   
Practice Under Supervision   
Using the Online Learning System   
Final Review - Reflection & Assessment   
Supervision Extensions   
School Supervision Team and Extension Fees   
School Core Criteria   
Guidelines for Setting Up Your Practice   
Guidelines for Email/Phone/Skype supervision   
Guidelines for Supervision Session   
Guidelines for Use of Case Top Sheets   
Self-assessment answers    

Unit 10 Movie Lectures

Applied Nutrition, Nails Mary Sharma 15m
Applied Nutrition, Tongue
Mary Sharma 20m
Applied Nutrition, Iridology
Mary Sharma 22m
Applied Nutrition, Progressing the Case
Mary Sharma 11m
Applied Nutrition, Assessing Toxic Encumbrance
Mary Sharma 6m
Applied Nutrition, Assessment Techniques
Mary Sharma 29m

Unit 11 - Research & Legal Considerations  

In the Unit students will be looking at research methods in healthcare, why research is important, research paradigms, designing a research study, the challenges for clinical trials in nutritional therapy and Evidence-Based Medicine. Students will then go on to look at various legal aspects that they need to be aware of when practicing as a Nutritional Therapist from ethics, Disability Legislation, Health and Safety, Insurance and Public Health Issues etc.

Unit 11 Contents

Further reading   
What is Research?   
Why Do We Need Research in Nutrition?   
Research Paradigms   
Designing a Research Study   
Literature as a Resource    
Challenges for Clinical Trials in Nutrition Therapy   
Evidence-Based Medicine   

Legal Considerations      
Dietary Reference Values, recommended intakes and safe upper limits   
Professional Indemnity Insurance    
Health claims legislation   
Code of Ethics   
Health and Safety in the Workplace    
Disability Legislation    
Public health issues    
Self-assessment answers   

Unit 11 Movie Lectures

Research parts 1-4
Kate Chatfield
Clinical Skills Client Practitioner Relationship
Mary Sharma 26m
Mary Sharma 3m
Legal Considerations
Mary Sharma 8m

Unit 12 - Setting up in practice

This Unit teaches business skills and setting up a nutrition practice. The Unit provides information on how to conduct market research and define a business proposition. Students are led through the process of defining a brand strategy, values and vision. The Unit covers internal business activities: finance, marketing, operations and design; and external activities: service, products, clinic location and layout, website design, social media and communication.

Unit 12 Contents

Setting up in practice   
What is a brand?   
Getting an Overview   

The Business Model   
Presenting to the External World    
Organising your Internal World    

Patient Journeys   
Bust a Belief   
Sustaining the Flight   
Learning from Others   
Self-assessment Questions   
In conclusion

Unit 12 Movie Lectures

Introduction to Business Studies
Mani Norland
Getting an Overview
Mani Norland
Exploring Your Environment (Research)
Mani Norland
The Pathway Through the Landscape (Mission)
Mani Norland
The Guiding Light (Vision)
Mani Norland
How You Do What You Do (Values)
Mani Norland
At the Centre of it All (Brand Essence)
Mani Norland
I Have a Dream (Ultimate Dream)
Mani Norland
The Business Model Mani Norland 9m
Figures Explained Mani Norland 7m
Website Tips Mani Norland 15m

Pharmacology booklet

What is pharmacology?
What is a drug?
Drug classification, groups and names
How do drugs get into the body – drug administration
How do drugs know where to work?
How can we tell what prescription drugs patients are taking?
Recreational drugs

Assessment techniques booklet

The initial consultation
Assessment techniques
Progressing the case

Clinical Training

Course Cases
Students complete paper cases for assessment as they work through the course study manual. They receive detailed written feedback on each case and these form part of their clinical training.

Clinical Events
Students attend two clinical training events that include a mixture of clinical lectures and cases. Students work on cases in class with feedback from the lecturers. 2 x 3 day events.

Clinical Supervision
During Unit 10 students enter into clinical supervision where they find clients to work with under supervision. They take the cases with the supervisor present, then the student analyses the case and comes up with a treatment plan, this then goes to the supervisor for feedback and sign-off.
3 clients, 2 cases each (6 cases in total) over 6 months.

If you have any questions about this Nutritional Therapist Advanced Course please give us a call on 01453 709 709.

Prices & enrol online

Nutritional Therapist Advanced Course Yr 3

Nutritional Therapist Advanced Course Yr 3

Price includes:
Nutritional Therapist Advanced Course study guide
Units 9-12
Movie lectures
Core books
Tutor marking
Discussion groups
Online clinics
clinical event
Tutor group meetings
1.5 year study period (can be done in 9-12 months)
Post & Packing
(Booklist required)