Intro into Practice
Course Content
Beginning in-depth analysis of chronic cases; anamnesis; prognosis; the evolving theory of Miasms and its practical interpretation; the matching of potency to the patient; reviewing plans and strategies for case analysis; evaluating the effects of suppression and other blockages in any given case; evaluating the response to treatment and when to give a second prescription; reviewing the Organon; reviewing Kent's philosophy; introducing the Mappa Mundi and beginning to apply it to casework and remedy synthesis.
Remedies Studied
Alumina, Anacardium, Antimonium Crud & Tart, Apis, Cannabis Indica, Calc Phos, Calendula, Camphora, Carcinosin, China, Cimicifuega, Colocynthus, Conium, Cuprum, Drosera, Helleborus, Hepar Sulph, Hyoscyamus, Hypericum, Kali Carb, Ledum, Lillium Tig, Nitric Acid, Opium, Platina, Plumbum, Psorinum, Pyrogen, Stramonium, Stannum, Syphilinum, Tarentula Cub & Hisp, Thuja, Veratrum Alb.
Cases Studied
Darren – assignment case
Bewildered – example case
Mr DD 1st Casetaking – assignment case
David - example case
Darren – analysis case
Mr DD 1st Casetaking – analysis case
Mr DD 2nd Casetaking – assignment case
Natalia – assignment case
Maya – example case
Miss Soulange – assignment case
Mrs MH – assignment case
Rita – assignment case
Mr DD 2nd Casetaking – analysis case
Rubin – example case
Wilf’s Wife – assignment case
Insanity – assignment case
Mrs MH – analysis case
Rita – analysis case
Alexis – assignment case
Wilf’s Wife – analysis case
Full details of each unit are given below with aims, content and learning outcomes
Unit Eight : Miasms
This unit aims to introduce you to Hahnemann’s observations and labelling of the three miasms; Psora, Sycosis and Syphilis. You will study the development and history of his theory and how it has evolved to include the miasms of tuberculosis and cancer. You will be asked to apply this theory through an observation of how miasms may be perceived in cases. In addition, you will study nine homeopathic remedies, including a full synthesis of each remedy.
1. Introduction
2. Philosophy
2.1 Miasms
Chronic Disease - The Problems Encountered in Treatment
The Breakthrough
Miasm - The Term Explained
PSORA - The Mother of Disease
First Steps in Disease Classification
2.2 Hahnemann's Classification of Disease
Mechanical Conditions
PSORA - The Psoric Miasm
SYCOSIS - The Sycotic Miasm
SYPHILIS - The Syphilitic Miasm
2.3 A New Understanding of the Totality of Symptoms
New Symptoms
2.4 Combined Miasms
2.5 Later Miasms: Tuberculosis & Cancer
The Tubercular Miasm
The Cancer Miasm
2.6 Comparison of the Miasms
2.7 Summary
3. Materia Medica
Calendula, China, Colocynthis, Hypericum, Ledum, Medorrhinum,
Psorinum, Stramonium and Thuja
4. Cases
Darren – assignment case
Bewildered – example case
5. Self-Assessment Questions
6. Model Answers
7. Assignments
7.1 Philosophy
U8Q1/g: Three Fundamental Miasms
7.2 Materia Medica
U8Q2/g: Psorinum & China Signatures & Mini Portraits
U8Q3/g: Signature Themes Stam & Belladonna
U8Q4/g: Timidity - Baryta Carb/Nat Mur/Nux Vom/Silica
U8Q5/g: Silica Signature and Full Illustration
7.3 Case Analysis
U8Q6/g: Darren
7.4 Personal & Professional Development
7.5 Sending your Assignments
8. Figures
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this unit you will be able to:
- Explain the concept of miasms and how it has evolved since Hahnemann
- Outline the three fundamental miasms as described by Hahnemann
- Explain the practical application of homeopathic miasm theory
- Identify modalities and key symptoms of homeopathic remedies
- Identify key signature elements of homeopathic remedies and relate them to mental, emotional and physical symptoms
- Compare and contrast three remedies belonging to the same botanical family
Unit Nine : Case Management
This unit aims to introduce you to the concept of case management, outlining what is involved in assessing how a patient has reacted to a remedy and subsequently how the homeopath can proceed with treatment. You will study aspects such as noticing signs of change, re-prescribing or changing a prescription, and ‘therapeutic’ remedies. It will also cover how you can differentiate between different remedies that can be used to treat similar pathological states and the factors that are important when selecting potency and dosage of a remedy.
1. Introduction
2. Philosophy
2.1 Application of Fundamental Principles to Case Management
The Most Similar Remedy
The Single Remedy
The Minimum Dose
2.2 Remedy Reaction
Influencing Factors
Direction of Cure
2.3 Signs of Change
Favourable Signs
Unfavourable Signs
2.4 Possible Effects and How to Respond
No Change
Curative Response
Partly Curative Response
Increase in Morbid Symptoms
Some Do's and Don'ts for the Prescriber
2.5 The Second Prescription
Repetition of the Remedy
Repetition in Acute Cases
Changing the Remedy in an Acute Disease
Subacute Disease
Changing the Remedy in a Chronic Case
2.6 Remedy Potency
Administration of Remedies
Some Notes on Potency
2.7 Summary
3. Materia Medica
Antimonium Tartaricum, Calcareum, Hepar Sulphuris
Kali Carbonicum, Syphilinum, Thuja and Veratrum Album
4. Cases
Mr DD 1st Casetaking - assignment case
David - example case
Darren - analysis case
5. Self-Assessment Questions
6. Assignments
6.1 Philosophy
U9Q1/g: Patient Remedy Responses
6.2 Materia Medica
U9Q2/g: Ant T/Cocc C/Kali B/Lyc Bronchitis Symptoms
U9Q3/g: Hepar Sulph Cold/Heat Polarity
U9Q4/g: Syphilinum Theme of Destruction
U9Q5/g: Verat Alb Signature & Full Illustration
6.3 Cases
U9Q6/g: Mr DD
6.4 Personal & Professional Development
6.5 Sending your Assignments
7. Figures
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this unit you will be able to:
- Identify and explain when to change medicine, frequency or potency during the course of treatment
- Analyse favourable and unfavourable reactions to a remedy
- Identify the factors that can affect a patient’s response to a remedy
- Explain the states and symptoms of six homeopathic remedies
- Compare and contrast symptoms of four remedies
- Analyse, repertorise and differentiate between remedies in a case
Unit Ten : Summary of Homeopathic Principles
This unit aims to demonstrate how to analyse an individual case from the first consultation, perceiving what needs to be cured, and how to assess the nature of a patient’s constitution. The homeopathic concept of prognosis will be described and the many factors that can affect prognosis explored. You will learn how to recognise your responsibilities as a homeopathic prescriber, including how to monitor a patient’s reaction to a remedy and management of a follow-up consultation. In addition you will consolidate your knowledge of homeopathic philosophy and its main principles and study a further eight remedies from the homeopathic materia medica.
1. Introduction
2. Prognosis
2.1 Perceiving What is to be Cured
2.2 Assessing the Patient at the Initial Meeting
2.3 The Nature of the Patient's Constitution
2.4 Prognosis Dependencies
General Vitality of the Patient
Physical Appearance - Objective Symptoms
The Patient's Will to Live and to Recover
The Patient's Ability to Lead a Happy Life
Self Image
Maintaining Factors
History of Trauma
Centre of Gravity of the Case
Family History
Ability of Prescriber and Patient to Make Contact
2.5 Conclusions
3. Summary of Homeopathic Principles
3.1 When the "Indicated" Remedy Fails
3.2 Keynote Prescribing - The Drawbacks
3.3 Relationship of Remedies
3.4 The Prescriber's Responsibility
Responsibility to the Patient
Responsibility to Homeopathy
4. Materia Medica
Antimonium Crudum, Calcarea Phosphorica, Carcinosin, Pyrogenium, Cuprum Metallicum, Plumbum and Tarentula Hispania & Cubensis
5. Self-Assessment Questions
6. Assignments
6.1 Philosophy
U10Q1/g: Why Homeopathic Treatment Sometimes Fail
6.2 Materia Medica
U10Q2/g: Carc Signature & Full Illustration
U10Q3/g: Calc Phos & Its Constitute Parts
U10Q4/g: Tarentula Hispanica
U10Q5/g: Cuprum & Epilepsy
U10Q6/g: Ant Crud & Sentimentality
U10Q7/g: Pyrogen & Tarentula Cubensis Septic States
6.3 Case Analysis
6.4 Personal & Professional Development
6.5 Sending your Assignments
7. Figures
8. Ongoing Study
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this unit you will be able to:
- Assess prognosis for a patient after observing the action of the medicine
- Explain the main factors that could alter a patient’s prognosis
- Analyse the requirements and factors for different case management scenarios
- Review your knowledge of homeopathic philosophy and principles
- Compare and contrast the remedy pictures and states of seven homeopathic remedies
Unit Eleven : Case Analysis Strategies
This unit aims to introduce you to some alternative strategies of case analysis, taking an in-depth look at essence prescribing, the totality of symptoms and the value of keynotes. In addition, you will study other factors that can be helpful in case analysis such as modalities, case history and miasmatic influences. You will be guided through the analysis and follow-ups of a case example in detail using the MacRepertory as a tool to help find appropriate prescriptions. In addition, you will study a further four remedies from the homeopathic materia medica.
1. Introduction
2. Strategies for Case Analysis
2.1 Essence Prescribing
2.2 The Totality of Symptoms
Reconstructing the Totality from the Repertory (according to Boenninghausen)
The Mappa Mundi
2.3 Keynotes
2.4 Other Information Useful in Case Analysis
Strange, Rare and Peculiar Symptoms
General Modalities
Desires and Aversions
Miasmatic Analysis
Physical Signs
Personal and Family History
Relationship of Remedies
2.5 Miscellaneous Notes on Case Taking
The Wider Perspective
A Caution on "Constitutional Types"
The Language Used by the Patient
2.6 "The Organon" - Aphorisms 1 & 2
3. Case Analysis of Mr DD
3.1 1st Casetaking Analysis
3.2 2nd Casetaking Analysis
4. Materia Medica
Anacardium, Cimicifuega, Nitric Acid and Stannum
5. Cases
Mr DD 1st Casetaking – analysis case
Mr DD 2nd Casetaking – assignment case
Natalia – assignment case
Maya – example case
6. Self-Assessment Questions
7. Model Answers
8. Assignments
8.1 Philosophy
U11Q1/g: 63-67 Action & Reaction
8.2 Materia Medica
U11Q2/g: Anacardium Full Synthesis
U11Q3/g: Compare Remedies in Obstinacy Rubric
U11Q4/g: Nit Ac Rubrics & Remedy Picture
U11Q5/g: Cimicifuga Relate Physicals to Mental & Emotionals
8.3 Case Analysis
U11Q6/g: Mr DD 2nd Casetaking
U11Q7/g: Natalia
8.4 Personal & Professional Development
8.5 Sending your Assignments
9. Figures
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this unit you will be able to:
- Discuss alternative strategies for case analysis
- Define the meaning of ‘concomitant symptoms’ and discuss their usefulness in analysing a case
- Discuss action and reaction as defined by Hahnemann in relation to case analysis
- Illustrate and elucidate in detail the remedy pictures of three homeopathic remedies
- Analyse case examples in detail and make appropriate suggestions for remedies, potencies and dosage
Unit Twelve : Anamnesis of Acute & Chronic Disease
This unit aims to deepen your understanding of acute and chronic disease and acute prescribing. You will study the anamnesis of a patient, paying attention to their background and lifestyle, and be introduced to the use of a time line in case analysis. You will review miasms in relation to case analysis, study selected aspects of Kent’s teaching on homeopathic philosophy as detailed in his Lesser Writings and study a case example in detail. The study of homeopathic materia medica will be further explored, through four more homeopathic remedies.
1. Introduction
2. Philosophy
2.1 Acute & Chronic Disease
The Aetiology of Acute Disease
The Nature of Acute Diseases
The Effects of Acute Diseases on General Health
The Need for Suffering
Epidemic Diseases
2.2. Anamnesis
'Time Lines'
The Miasms
The Case of Miss Soulange
2.3 Kent's Lesser Writings
Hierarchy of Symptoms
The 'Signature' of Symptoms
The Art of Case Taking
Interference with Remedy Actions
Limits of Repertorisation
Repetition of Potency in Chronic Prescribing
The Importance of Waiting
Intervals Between Consultations
3. Materia Medica
Alumina, Cannabis Indica and Opium
4. Cases
Miss Soulange – assignment case
Mrs MH – assignment case
Rita – assignment case
Mr DD 2nd Casetaking – analysis case
Rubin – example case
5. Self-Assessment Questions
6. Assignments
6.1 Philosophy
U12Q1/g: Time-line in homeopathy
6.2 Materia Medica
U12Q2/g: Alumina Substance & Medicine
U12Q3/g: Cannabis Indica & Opium
6.3 Case Analysis
U12Q4/g: Miss Soulange Plot on Timeline
U12Q5/g: Mrs MH
U12Q6/g: Rita
6.4 Personal & Professional Development
6.5 Sending your Assignments
7. Figures
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this unit you will be able to:
- Define acute and chronic disease
- Discuss the importance of using a time line in homeopathy case analysis
- Evaluate individual susceptibility, including maintaining causes and aetiological factors
- Analyse four case examples demonstrating clear strategies for remedy choice
- Describe in detail remedy states for three homeopathic remedies
Unit Thirteen : Primary & Secondary Reaction
This unit aims to familiarise you with the importance of the second prescription and deepen your knowledge about potency selection. You will look at various aspects of remedy reaction, the differences between primary and secondary action and how to deal with adverse reactions. You will also be introduced to the Mappa Mundi, to be discussed further in Unit 14. In addition, you will look at the issue of immunisation by vaccination and protocols for vaccination in your country. Another interesting case study will enable you to test your knowledge of analysis and homeopathic remedies. Finally you will study six more homeopathic remedies.
1. Introduction
2. The Second Prescription
2.1 Choice of Action
The Need to Wait
A New Symptom Picture
The Complementary Prescription
The Emergence of Another Miasm
2.2 The Doctrine of Series in Degrees
3. Remedy Reaction
3.1 Primary & Secondary Actions of Remedies
Primary Action
Secondary Action
Examples of Secondary Action
The Importance of Understanding the Action of a Remedy
The Effects of Racial Predeterminants on Remedy Action
Palliation - The Ameliorating Factor
3.2 Adverse Reactions to a Remedy
Suppression by Homeopathy
When to Antidote a Remedy
4. Immunisation
5. Understanding the Case
5.1.The Physical Symptoms of a Case
5.2 The Tension of Opposites
The 'Mappa Mundi' - An Introduction
6. The Case of Mrs MH
6.1 Case Analysis
Understanding the Case and Identifying Themes
6.2 Remedy Selected
6.3 Results of Treatment
7. Materia Medica
Ambra Grisea, Ammonium Carb, Carbo Animalis,
Cocculus, Drosera Rotundifolia and Sanguinaria
8. Cases
Wilf’s Wife – assignment case
Insanity – assignment case
Mrs MH – analysis case
Rita – analysis case
9. Self-Assessment Questions
10. Assignments
10.1 Philosophy
U13Q1/g: Vaccination, Miasms & Genus Epidemicus
10.2 Materia Medica
U13Q2/g: Drosera Remedy State
U13Q3/g: Ambra/Am Crud/Carb An/Cocc/Sang Menstrual
10.3 Case Analysis
U13Q4/g: Wilf's Wife
U13Q5/g: Insanity
10.4 Personal & Professional Development
10.5 Sending your Assignments
11. Figures
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this unit you will be able to:
- Define primary and secondary action
- Outline government policy for immunisation in your country
- Critically review immunisation by vaccination with reference to the theory of miasms and genus epidemicus
- Evaluate strategies for patients who appear not to have been well since vaccination
- Compare and contrast particular symptoms of five key homeopathic remedies
- Analyse two case examples and suggest a remedy for each
Unit Fourteen : Mappa Mundi
This unit aims to introduce you to the Mappa Mundi (The Four Elements), the interpretation of symptoms and symbols and how this can be applied to analysis and remedy selection. You will learn the origins of the Mappa Mundi, dating back to ancient Egypt. You will also study the four elements and their associated temperaments and how the Mappa Mundi can be applied in homeopathy. In addition, you will have the opportunity to apply Mappa Mundi theory to two new remedies and two previously studied remedies.
1. Introduction
2. Symptom as Symbol
2.1 Symbols in Relation to Disease
2.2 The Psyche Speaks in Symbols
3. Mappa Mundi
3.1 Origins of the Mappa Mundi
3.2 Application of Mappa Mundi
3.3 The Synthesis of the Four Elements and Their Associated Temperaments
4. Materia Medica
Apis Mellifica and Camphora
Phosphorus and Sepia
5. Cases
Alexis – assignment case
Wilf’s Wife – analysis case
6. Self-Assessment Questions
7. Assignments
7.1 Philosophy
U14Q1/g: Mappa Mundi
7.2 Materia Medica
U14Q2/g: Phosphorus & Sepia Mappa Mundi
U14Q3/g: Camphora Portrait & Mappa Mundi
U14Q4/g: Apis & Mappa Mundi
7.3 Case Analysis
U14Q5/g: Alexis using Mappa Mundi
7.4 Personal & Professional Development
7.5 Sending your Assignments
8. Figures
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this unit you will be able to:
- Explain and consolidate your knowledge of the Mappa Mundi
- Illustrate the Mappa Mundi with its associated symptoms
- Analyse and map seven homeopathic remedies on the Mappa Mundi
- Analyse two cases using the Mappa Mundi
Prices & enrol online
Homeopathy Yr 2 Intro into Practice Course Units 8-14
Price includes:
Homeopathy course study guide
Units 8-14
Movie lectures
Personal tutor
Tutor marking
Discussion groups
Online clinics
Tutor group meetings
2 year study period (can be done in 12 months)
Post & Packing
(Booklist 2 required)