Unit 4: Homeopathy Homeopathy Online Course

In this unit we will be looking at the history of homeopathy, the underlying philosophy, and the homeopathic view of disease. You will then learn some practical homeopathy that you can use in your clinic. You will combine your learning of homeopathic philosophy with information about commonly used homeopathic remedies, which you will be able to use for simple prescribing in your practice. It is important, as a naturopath, to have an understanding of the most useful homeopathic remedies that your clients will have easy access to and, quite possibly, be already using at home.

This unit includes the study of homeopathic history, philosophy, miasms (hereditary tendencies), law of cure, the vital force, homeopathic influences (Bach flower remedies and Schuessler tissue salts), potentisation and formulation of remedies, law of minimum dose, susceptibility, suppression, case-taking, dosage, prescription and cautionary guidelines.

Homeopathy is perhaps the best known of all the natural medical disciplines. Most people have heard of homeopathy; it is an in-depth subject that requires a minimum of 4 years’ study to become a professional homeopath. However, in this module you will learn the fundamentals of homeopathic philosophy, methodology and case-taking so you can look after your patients in a basic way with commonly used remedies. You will learn about 30-40 remedies so that you can carry out simple prescribing in your practice. It is hoped that you will learn enough about homeopathy to recognise how much there is to learn and be aware of your capabilities.

Homeopathy Course

Units: 1
Study Hours: 100
Credits: 10
Time: Estimated 2 months (timing up to you)
Enrolment period: 4 months (with option to extend)
Books: Purchased separately
Certification: Certificate in Homeopathy
Study Options: 
E-learning (online) or Correspondence (paper)

Aims of the course

  • To have an understanding of homeopathic philosophy which underpins naturopathic philosophy
  • To understand the history of homeopathy and how it fits into the overall development of the history of medicine
  • To understand homeopathic miasms and disease resonance and their effects upon health as an underpinning principle to naturopathic understanding
  • To be able to understand the basics of homeopathy, remedy-making, case-taking and remedy prescription in practice

Why study Homeopathy?

The homeopathy module builds on the information included in the Eastern medicine modules and continues the study of the history of medicine. Knowledge and practice of homeopathy is required in order to be a registered naturopath. The natural laws and philosophy which underpin homeopathy lay the foundation for naturopathic study and understanding and also provide valuable information about health and disease. This module also teaches simple homeopathic prescribing with the use of 30-40 commonly used remedies, which can be used as a major adjunct to any clinical practice.

About Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a system of alternative medicine that is based on the Law of Similars. The Law of Similars states that a substance, when taken in a large amount, will cause certain adverse symptoms. But, if a minute amount of the substance is taken, then it will heal the symptoms that it would cause if taken to excess. This concept is more commonly known as ‘like cures like’. It was Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) who realised these natural laws of nature and incorporated them into his new medicine which he called homeopathy.

Read more about homeopathy here


Homeopathy Part A: Philosophy 

1. Introduction
Glossary of homeopathic terminology 

2. History
Samuel Hahnemann 

3. Homeopathic Philosophy
Herings Law of Cure
Will and Understanding 

4. Miasms Theory
The Power of Three
Qualities attributed to the Miasms
Secondary Miasms 

5. Homeopathic Influences
Dr Bach: bowel nosodes and the Bach flower remedies
Phytobiophysics flower formulas
Schuessler Tissue Salts

Homeopathy Part B: Homeopathy in Practice 

1. Introduction 

2. Proving of Homeopathic Remedies 

3. Formulation of Homeopathic Principles: 

4. Potentization and Formulation of Remedies 

5. Homeopathy Simplified
Acute and chronic disease
Self-healing and the vital force
Exciting causes
Law of similars
Minimum dose
Direction of cure 

6. A Closer look at some common Remedies
Arnica, Calendula and Hypericum
Three remedies in depth: Sepia, Silica and Staphysagria 

7. Simple Homeopathic Case Taking
Symptom categorisations
Taking a case: 
Acute case examples and self-assessment questions 
Taking the remedy 
Dosage and repetition 
What changes can be expected after taking the remedy? 
Is homeopathy safe? Are there side-effects? 
Cautionary Guidelines 

8. Practical work: 24 Case studies
Cases for self-assessment
Module Assessment Questions 

Homeopathy is a system of alternative medicine that is based on the Law of Similars.