Nature And Human Personality: Homoeopathic Archetypes
Coulter, Catherine

Nature And Human Personality: Homoeopathic Archetypes

Printed in USA, paperback, 210 pages.

Size152 x 228mm
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From the cover:
In Nature And Human Personality: Homoeopathic Archetypes, the author explores the ever-fascinating interaction of body, mind, and the natural world-and presents concise, lively, and penetrating descriptions of twelve of the most frequently employed homoeopathic remedies. Because homoeopathy is a therapeutic system oriented towards the individual rather than the disease, awareness of the characteristics of the whole person is vital. The charts that accompany every chapter delineate characteristic patterns of symptoms, define the body regions and systems most affected, and summarize the mental picture for each remedy.

About the author:
Catherine Coulter (born 1934)
Catherine Coulter was born in London, England, and now lives in the United States. She has been a full time practicing classical homeopath since 1974. It was a year after this that she took up teaching. She has become internationally well known for her characteristic and vivid portraits of many of the classic homeopathic remedies.