Homeopathic Sketches of Children's Types
Coulter, Catherine

Homeopathic Sketches of Children's Types

Printed in USA, paperback, 184 pages.

Size152 x 228mm
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From the cover:
In Homoeopathic Sketches Of Children's Types, the author explores the homoeopathic body-mind typology of children from infancy through adolescence. In these perceptive, beautifully written descriptions, parents will delight to recognize their childrens' personality types and learn how the remedies can assist a child to achieve his or her fullest potential.

About the author:
Catherine Coulter (born 1934)
Catherine Coulter was born in London, England, and now lives in the United States. She has been a full time practicing classical homeopath since 1974. It was a year after this that she took up teaching. She has become internationally well known for her characteristic and vivid portraits of many of the classic homeopathic remedies.