Media release from the Dachverband Komplementärmedizin (Dakomed) and the Union of Associations
of Swiss Physicians for Complementary Medicine (UNION) dated 2 May 2014
Status of medical complementary medicine no longer in doubt.
Berne, 02.05.2014. Dakomed and the UNION welcome the proposal from the Swiss Federal Department
of Home Internal Affairs (FDHA) on the final inclusion of medical complementary medicine in the OKP [compulsory healthcare insurance] as a result of its equal status with other disciplines. Definitive payment through the basic insurance is long overdue. Dakomed and the UNION would now like to see a speedy implementation of the changes announced to the KLV [Healthcare Benefits Ordinance] and the KVV [Health Insurance Ordinance]. We expect all the parties concerned to lend their positive support to the process.
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This entry was posted on 27 May 2014 at 17:07 and is filed under Homeopathy | Alternative Medicine | Inspiration.