Karen Wehrstein, executive director of the Canadian Consumers Centre for Homeopathy fought back when she read an article dismissing homeopathy claiming a lack of evidence. She wrote several letters and encouraged other homeopaths to do the same, her letter was published in the Canadian National Post a few days later:

Karen Wehrstein: Homeopathy offers hope

Every now and then, someone in the media falsely claims that there is little or no evidence supporting the practice of homeopathy. They either cherry-pick their references — as Timothy Caulfield did in Tuesday’s National Post  — or lump homeopathy in with less well-established and non-standardized practices, such as “faith healing” or “energy healing,” implying it has less significance than it does.

What most Canadians aren’t aware of is homeopathy’s true stature and importance worldwide — and how fast it is gaining acceptance and both in Canada and abroad.

To read the full article please click here.

This entry was posted on 28 January 2013 at 17:45 and is filed under Homeopathy.