An interesting article from on the current campaign against homeopathy in the UK & USA, including details on James Randi the American Magician and professional skeptic. The article makes reference to UK homeopaths including Lionel Milgrom.
From NaturalNews website:
A campaign of disinformation on homeopathic medicine has been very active in United Kingdom and in the United States, and my previous article at this website provided some detail about this effort.
Perhaps the leading opponent to homeopathy in the United States is the magician James Randi. Magicians use various tricks to make things disappear, and Mr. Randi is working hard at making homeopathy disappear... however, to be a successful magician one must learn to fool and deceive people, and Mr. Randi is performing his tricks to try to make homeopathy disappear. Thankfully, he has not been successful.
This short article is not meant to be exhaustive on Randi's disinformation campaign against homeopathy but providing some overview of who he is and what he has said and done will hopefully shed light on the nature of his information and how trustworthy he may or may not be.
Read the full article here:
Tags: Homeopathy | James Randi
This entry was posted on 02 December 2011 at 16:34.