It is common knowledge that homeopathy as a therapy is currently undergoing a difficult period, and there is a need to provide good and unbiased evidence to demonstrate exactly how effective it is. It was in this context that the Swaziland Homeopathy Project, a charity registered in the southern African country of Swaziland, decided to set up a system for gathering evidence of patient outcomes as a result of homeopathic treatment. Initiated in June 2008, the Swaziland Homeopathy Project (SHP) currently conducts on average 19 clinics per month. Most of these are free, mobile outreach clinics into the impoverished rural areas of northern Swaziland.

See the results, and read the full article here:

Tags: Homeopathy | Swaziland Homeopathy Project

This entry was posted on 12 December 2011 at 09:39.