A positive letter in the Bristol Evening Post about the Penny Brohn Cancer Care charity based near Bristol, which offers specialist support including complementary therapies, advice & counselling for people living with cancer & their supporters. It provides a variety of services including homeopathy:

Please support this local charity; Cancer care
Bristol Evening Post
12 October 2011

AS someone living with my third cancer diagnosis, I would like to make a public appeal for votes to help a charity that has given me and my family tremendous comfort and advice on how to cope and live with cancer. That charity is Penny Brohn Cancer Care, a national charity based in Pill near Bristol, which helps people with cancer - and those close to them - to improve their quality of life.

The NatWest "Community Force" campaign is asking the public to vote online for their favourite local charity before October 23. The most popular cause in West Bristol will win a £6000 grant. Now that Penny Brohn Cancer Care offers its services free of change, it is only through donations that I have been lucky enough to receive the charity's help. That is why I would like to drum up as much support for votes as I can to help more people like me.

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1983, uterine cancer in 1988 and bone cancer in 2009. Each diagnosis has knocked me and my family for six - the anxiety and seeming lack of control over the outcome can be all-consuming. But I feel so much stronger and more purposeful thanks to Penny Brohn Cancer Care. Since March, I have been visiting the charity's centre for self-help techniques, relaxation, homeopathy, nutrition, healing and healthy cookery demonstrations.

I have learned how to support myself and make small changes to my lifestyle to improve my emotional and physical wellbeing. My husband often accompanies me and we have been overwhelmed by the love, stillness and peacefulness of the centre and the caring people involved in making this such a wonderful, uplifting and happy place to be part of.

With more people than ever before being diagnosed with cancer and going through the same experience as us, the need for the charity's support has never been greater. So, please join us in voting for Penny Brohn Cancer Care so they could spend £6,000 helping more people like us.

Please register and vote now at http://communityforce.natwest.com/project/110 It only takes a minute and it might just help someone you know and love.

Pamela Pepler, North Somerset

Tags: Cancer | complementary therapies | homeopathy

This entry was posted on 10 November 2011 at 17:52.