GP Letter: Homeopathy has a place

This is great to see, but a shame it does not happen more often, such is the fear around speaking out in the medical profession. Below a GP who uses homeopathy writes in support of homeopathy in the 'General Practitioner'.

Letters: Homeopathy has a place in treatment of patients
7 October 2011
GP (General Practitioner)
The title of Dr Liam Farrell's article 'Homeopathy flies in the face of medical wonder' (GP, 23 September) may have an element of truth, but the content sadly contains nothing more than the usual rant against an effective and safe form of medical therapeutics.

No-one questions the marvel of technologies that allow a child to have an atrial septal defect closed by angiography and I'm sure we are all amazed and grateful for the advances in surgery and medicine which have saved lives and made life worth living for both our patients and ourselves.

However, as a GP who practises homeopathy I'm also amazed at how frequently it can bring huge benefits to patients, not only for particular disorders, but also for their general health and wellbeing It is not too surprising that this brings more fulfilment to my work than the usual prescribing of statins and antihypertensives (which I am not totally against of course).

We need more research in homeopathy, but this would be easier without the persecution and prejudice so prevalent these days.
Dr Charlotte Mendes da Costa, Chiswick, west London.


Tags: Homeopathy | GP | doctor

This entry was posted on 10 October 2011 at 11:09.