Recorded, The Marvellous Microbiome - Part 1 & Part 2, Karen Carman

Recorded, The Marvellous Microbiome - Part 1 & Part 2, Karen Carman

Price£30.00 - £60.00
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This Webinar was recorded in February 2018. You are purchasing a copy of this webinar to download and view. It comes with the original recording, presentation (when available) and transcript.

 This product is for both webinars

The Marvellous Microbiome, Karen Carman (Part 1)

We have all heard so much about the marvelous importance of our gut flora or "microbiome" but how does it influence our health at a physical, mental and emotional level?

How can the delicate balance of bacteria within our digestive system be a key factor in so many conditions, such as migraines, arthritis, cardiovascular health, obesity, mental health.....etc

This webinar is the first part of a series of 2 which explores each layer of the microbiome, from the nutrients needed to nourish the base layers right up to feeding the "good bacteria" and keeping the "bad bacteria" in check.

We will explore:
What actually is the "microbiome"
What foods encourage diversity of species
What lifestyle factors and foods have most negative impact
The GUT- BRAIN Axis, a gentle overview
Kefir and fermented foods
Supporting each layer of the gut - which species live where?

Webinar Aims
This webinar aims to answer these and other questions about this most diverse, yet vital part of our anatomy. Offering practical and supportive suggestions to restore the balance.

The Marvellous Microbiome, Karen Carman (Part2)

Following on from Part 1, this webinar looks deeper at specific conditions and the influence of the microbiome in clinical practice. Leading with practical suggestions to effect change within this internal ecosystem!

It will also explore:
The GUT-BRAIN Axis in more depth
Autism and the microbiome
The use of probiotics and prebiotics  - which strains are best?
Current thinking on health conditions and the microbiome

Webinar Aims
This webinar will give you a clear platform to make choices for yourself, friends, family and clients in selecting the best way to support the microbiome  and how it may be one of the root causes in many conditions common in the western world.