Recorded, Supporting Fertility with Nutrition, Karen Carman

Recorded, Supporting Fertility with Nutrition, Karen Carman

Price£15.00 - £25.00
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 This Webinar was recorded in April 2019. You are purchasing a copy of this webinar to download and view. It comes with the original recording, presentation (when available) and transcript.

Supporting fertility with nutrition

Karen Carman BSc (Hons), DNN, DipC.Nut, DipA.E.T, S.A.C. Dip

Pre conception is such a special time for the body, a time to nourish and be as nutritionally complete as possible. For some, conception is more difficult, how can Nutrition support the delicate hormonal balance.

  • What are the key nutrients for preconceptual preparation?
  • What can affect fertility through the ages?
  • Why modern day life impacts our nutrients needed for optimum fertility?
  • Why a whole food approach helps promote fertility and pregnancy health?
  • Which systems require supporting during the first trimester and how can nutrition assist?