Recorded, The Vital Force, Jude Wills

Recorded, The Vital Force, Jude Wills

Price£15.00 - £25.00
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This Webinar was recorded in May 2017. You are purchasing a copy of this webinar to download and view. It comes with the original recording, presentation (when available) and transcript.

The Vital Force, Jude Wills

Exploring the Vital Force; where it comes from and how it manifests in 'us'. Looking at how this affects our definition of health and our understanding of healing.This definition determines not only how we understand philosophy, our ability to apply it to health and healing, but also the world view which becomes the lens through which we perceive each patient and their 'disease'.

Webinar Aims
The aim is for the student to leave the session with a greater awareness of the dynamism of the Vital Force and interconnectedness in the non-dual world. A reason to delve more deeply into exploring their self awareness in order to move closer to the 'non-prejudiced' observer.