Recorded, Mindfulness x 3, David Behrens

Recorded, Mindfulness x 3, David Behrens

Price£45.00 - £75.00
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This set of three Webinar's were recorded in April 2017. You are purchasing a copy of these webinar's to download and view. It comes with the original recording, presentation (when available) and transcript.

Mindfulness for the Homeopath, David Behrens

Expand Your Awareness and Presence in Practice 
And Learn Skills to Develop Greater Self-awareness and Support Patients
The sessions
Session 1 - Introduction to the foundational practices of Mindfulness Meditation through the lenses of Homeopathy.
Exploration of the definition of Mindfulness Meditation and how it applies to our life and work as Homeopaths

Session 2 - Developing the power of the observer, the pure witness through Mindfulness & Hahnemann’s teachings.
This capability of observing accurately is never quite an innate faculty; it must be chiefly acquired by practice,  by refining and regulating the perceptions of the senses " We will learn how this skill of being the observer in case taking is greatly enhanced through developing the pure witness in Mindfulness Meditation. 

Session 3 - Seven Levels of Experience - within us and in our patients. 
Study of the philosophical teachings of leading homeopaths, such as Hahnemann, Kent and Doctor Rajan Sankaran in the context of Mindfulness Meditation.  Build and practice Mindfulness Techniques to develop an ongoing daily Meditation practice

About David
David Behrens has over 27 years’ experience practicing and teaching Mindfulness Meditation as a Monk living in India. In 2007 he transitioned from monastic life and continued his studies to become a Homeopath and graduated at the School of Homeopathy in the UK.  Besides running a joint homeopathic practice with his wife, Katja David also works for the NHS and various trusts in the UK, offering mindfulness based programmes for Mental Health Recovery and Substance Abuse in London. David has run mindfulness training for therapists in the USA.

David shares
The process of building and developing a homeopathic practices requires more than skilful marketing and a snazzy website. Of equal importance is our inner growth; constantly expanding our awareness and having the courage to look deeper within when things are not moving as we would like. Mindfulness meditation enables us to connect with our deeper wisdom and be fully present to our patients in consultation. We can also use what we learn to teach our patients greater self-awareness. 

Students who recently took this course in Australia shared:
It was great to interact with fellow homeopaths and talk about very honestly about our interactions with our patients and our 'head spaces' when taking a case.

David took us through thinking what qualities and skills are required to be a successful homeopath, and how to build our ability to observe, relating it to Hahnemann's Lesser writings on being the observer.

I also enjoyed how David brought in Sankaran's Seven levels of experience. It has been a long time since I read Sankaran and it has inspired me to reread his books.

This all intertwined with mindfulness and meditation practice, which through learning how to meditate ourselves, we can then pass this information onto our patients, knowing how effective it is.