Recorded, Childhood Nutrition, Karen Carman

Recorded, Childhood Nutrition, Karen Carman

Price£15.00 - £25.00
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This Webinar was recorded in June 2019. You are purchasing a copy of this webinar to download and view. It comes with the original recording, presentation (when available) and transcript.


Childhood Nutrition

How what we feed the children of today can become our health reality of tomorrow.

  • What nutrients are important early in life to build firm health foundations?
  • Is the age of weaning critical for a child?
  • Childhood it now inevitable?
  • Building immunity for children through the school years.
  • Encouraging a whole food diet through the stages of childhood.

Webinar Aims:
This webinar aims to consider the impact of a child's diet from birth and how it shapes their current and future health, behaviour, intellect and vital sleep patterns.