The Faculty
Amanda Norland
Director & Course Manager
I believe that I had an early and rather dramatic calling to homeopathy. I am told I was a silent baby, but this soon changed. My first memory is of great episodes of fever and hallucination that lasted maybe a few of my early years. I was washed down and placed under a fan, nothing unusual – until the day I picked some delicious looking berries called Deadly Nightshade (Belladonna). After years of joking how my loving sister had fed them to me, I have decided that this was my earliest experience of homeopathy, just perhaps not quite as safe as it would have been if it had been the homeopathic medicine Belladonna!
Art was actually my first love and I held it close to my heart, from primary school and throughout my first career in various forms: from ceramics to magazine design, graphics and interiors, to creative team direction…I loved working to crazy London deadlines and being part of a vibrant creative team.
It was all consuming. And then I got ill.
This was the start of a long transition from looking ever outwards to starting to inhabit the inner world and work out what I needed to do. I read up and sought out complementary therapies and my role adapted into a position of nurturing: helping people fulfil their potential through creative work, one to one sessions and team building. I loved my creative family, but there was still something missing.
In parallel to all of this, my sister Sarah had been leading a life of study and a search for the alternative, and we spent many an hour exploring the meaning of life and trying out new things. It was when I met Mani in 1995, and soon afterwards sat trembling on his father’s consultation couch (renowned homeopath Misha Norland), I discovered the awe-inspiring practice through which all these floating thoughts and growing beliefs could find a home. I found homeopathy!
Everything changed…
Learning homeopathy was one of the most challenging and satisfying things I’ve done and nothing is ever the same again. It’s like opening a trunk of treasure and knowledge that makes complete sense of the everything. Over time, I have felt more connected to nature, have learned to ask more questions, make sounder decisions, and feeling generally empowered. New channels of creative expression have opened up and all of this has given meaning to my work life through In-Light. I guess you could say this is what health is all about.
I love to connect with people who are seeking out their way through life. Learning keeps us interested, growing and vital! My role here is to provide as much clear information as I can, so that people can make the best personal decisions possible, both at the outset and throughout their time with us. And then I walk beside as our students progress through their chosen courses, swapping hats as necessary.
I am here to offer encouragement when you get stuck, advise about your study plans and options, find solutions and put you in touch with what you need. And, of course, pat you on the back when you succeed! I had no idea that my ‘practice’ would bring me to this place but I love it and look forward to working with you. Let’s Illuminate together!