The Faculty

Amy DadachanjiAmaia Dadachanji
Teacher, Tutor & Course Author

Amaia's main focus as a practising medical herbalist is clinical consultation and herbal education. She has been working in herbal medicine for 22 years and has been in professional clinical practice for 13 years.

Since starting her clinical practice, she has taught various workshops and courses all over the country with an emphasis on connecting with plants, nature and physical, emotional and spiritual health.

During the last few years she has also run community-supported medicine gardens, reaching anyone who is interested in herbal medicine.

Amaia loves to work with the indigenous and naturalised plants around her, relearning the old ways of plant connection and understanding. It is really important to her to use herbalism as a form of offering which she can give back to the community and land. She works with plants and seasonal medicine, natural rhythms and the magic of nature. She has also spent many months living with Ayurvedic practitioners in India and rainforest shamanic practitioners in Ecuador and Costa Rica. The foreign plants that she has learned about fascinate her and she loves to incorporate a worldwide health and herbal viewpoint when she practises and teaches. She is particularly interested in the old ways that are still used in other countries such as Ecuador, with limpia (cleansing, clearing or cleaning with plants externally) sessions used commonly amongst village folk, for example.

Herbal Medicine, and all it encompasses, is completely integral to life as Amaia wants to live it, she works with integrity, authenticity and passion and has an attitude of compassion, empathy and patience and of course reverence to the plants.

Amaia has a herbal apothecary near Stroud, Gloucestershire which is where she practises. It is based in an old walled garden and has the therapeutic addition of thousands of plants surrounding it. Her clinic started as a wild apothecary – using the plants she found in her local habitat which became a treasure chest of medicinal gems. Then she started practising in local clinics but longed for her own practice so she could have all the herbs she wanted and the atmosphere she imagined. That came about and is now the Wild Apothecary.

The Wild Apothecary is specifically a herbal apothecary where Amy sees all kinds of patients presenting with all kinds of conditions. Locals come to visit and foreigners tap in via Skype. Herbal medicines are sent out all over the world from this tiny rustic base in rural Gloucestershire.

Presently Amaia is writing a book on herbalism, illustrating and explaining how we can rewild ourselves to better connect with nature/self and how to use commonly available herbal remedies. She also paints and draws many pictures of plants and spends an inordinate amount of time looking at plants and listening.

"Wild plant medicines are our future, they are our allies. We can learn so much from them and of course we are constantly learning about them. Sharing the knowledge and teaching people how to safely use herbal medicines is great love of mine. May we relearn the old ways and make beautiful the new".

"Wild plant medicines are our future, they are our allies. May we relearn the old ways and make beautiful the new."