The School is committed to the principle of promoting equality of opportunity and eliminating discrimination. It is our policy to treat people equally irrespective of race, ethnic origin, sex, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, creed, disability, age or political belief.
Many students with disabilities have studied with us. Our promise is to educate, nurture and enlighten students to enable them to realise their full potential.
So that we can help you make the most of your studies, please tell us about any additional requirements you may have in connection with a disability, health condition, mental health or specific learning difficulty (such as dyslexia) when you enrol
We treat all the information you give us as confidential; we will use it only to provide services and facilities to you as a student.
Examples of the type of support we can provide:
• Accessible entry requirements for all courses
• Large print and electronic versions of study material
• An Online Leaning System designed to work with
accessibility software
• Lecture recordings
• Transcripts of audio and movie lectures
• Phone, Skype or Zoom tutorials
• Additional one-to-one time with your tutor
• Ensuring the best space, chair, table and position in class for
your particular needs
• A student buddy to help you while you are onsite
• Continual assessment and flexible deadlines
• Additional time for assessment
We will always do all we can to meet individual requirements. However, if there is anything we are unable to provide we will always give as much notice as possible and seek the best possible alternative.
If you need help or have any questions, please contact us.