Medicine Flows, Homeopathic Philosophy
Morrish, Mo

Medicine Flows, Homeopathic Philosophy
Medicine Flows, Homeopathic Philosophy

Printed in the UK, paperback, 126 pages

Size148 x 210mm
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Medicine Flows: Homoeopathic Philosophy discusses all of the major themes of homoeopathic philosophy from Mo's understanding with reference to the Masters. Most notable of these is Samuel Hahnemann; his Organon of the Medical Art and The Chronic Diseases.

Through his discussion Mo encourages the reader to 'make their own experience' and decide, after all that has been written over hundreds of years, precisely what the philosophy of homoeopathy means to them.

The book is arranged in five parts; The World, The Human, Disease, The Homoeopath, The Medicines. Full list of contents

Each chapter, where applicable, contains summary 'Notes' and signposts the reader to further 'Resources' they may like to consider.

The book has been written for the homoeopathic student where Philosophy and Principles are key building blocks for their future understanding of homoeopathic practice.

It is not intended to be a 'one stop shop', or a comprehensive overview of everything that has ever been written. What it is is a concise and thought provoking book which will prove to be invaluable to student and teachers alike.

About the author

Mo Morrish BSc, MCCH, RSHom is a practicing homoeopath with over fifteen years experience. He lives, loves and works in Exeter from The Homoeopathic Practice.

Since 1992 Mo has taught at the British School of Homoeopathy and also recently at the sister college The Irish School of Homoeopathic Medicine. He is Senior Lecturer for the colleges exploring the principles and philosophy of homoeopathic medicine. He is committed to individuality, simplicity, clarity and fun. Mo is also the Supervision Coordinator for the BSH.
A microbiologist in a previous life and a poet by nature, out of 'work' Mo enjoys good red wine and relaxing with his wife and family.


 During its writing, Medicine Flows: Homoeopathic Philosophy was sent out for extensive review by a cross section of homoeopaths including other teachers, other authors, college principals and students. Their feedback was considered and aided the final version of the manuscript, we are very grateful to them for their time and consideration.

"I am so impressed with Medicine Flows! It is beautifully written and will be an important resource for homeopathic teachers and students alike. It is also a lovely, accessible and interesting guide to Hahnemann's Organon of the Medical Art."Wenda edited and annotated Organon of the Medical Art.
Wenda Brewster O'Reilly Ph.D


"Medicine Flows is a beautiful book: the essence of homeopathic philosophy distilled and percolated through an experienced homeopath's thoughtful mind.

Understanding homeopathic philosophy is a complex journey. It's easy to stumble, easier still to fall. This book provides helpful signposts on the way, pointing out boulders and holes as well as inviting the reader to contemplate the view at regular intervals. This is a must-read alongside the masters for every homeopathy student."

Miranda is the author of The Complete Homeopathy Handbook, Homeopathy for Pregnancy, Birth, and Your Baby's First Year,and A Homeopathic Guide to Stress. She is a practicing homoeopath and international speaker, see
Miranda Castro FSHom, RSHom, CCH

"This is an inspiring, heart warming, and engaging book. Its wisdom revitalises our enthusiasm and brings refreshing clarity to all aspects of homoeopathic philosophy."John is the founder of Helios Pharmacy.
John Morgan

"At first read this seems to be a simple book, putting Hahnemann into plain language for students. As such it would, of course, have its' own value, but Medicine Flows is much more than that. Like other really inspiring brief books, Medicine Flows is much more complex than it looks and there are many strands woven together within it. Not only is it a book that explains the basic concepts of Hahnemannian homoeopathy in a simple way, but also it introduces them in such a way that the reader is stimulated to follow the thought processes for himself.

The reader is also encouraged to develop his own views based on the evidence presented from classical sources and of his own thought processes as filtered through his own experience and susceptibility. I cannot believe that there exists a student of homoeopathy who will not gain from studying and absorbing this book and most of us who are already practicing and/or teaching would do well to read it also. Indeed yet another strand of this book is the way that it presents a sequential guide to homoeopathic principles that could be utilized with benefit by many teachers, especially the section on miasm which is a delight to study in comparison with other source books on this subject.

There is Science and order and logic within this book, but there is also art. Mo speaks personally to us within it in a way which is direct and individual without ever becoming self indulgent. This is no book of a guru, but it will help you to learn more than most gurus ever could about the reality of Hahnemannian principles in the practice of homoeopathy."

Anthony is Principal of the British School of Homoeopathy and a practicing homoeopath.
Anthony Bickley