Roberts, Rachel


Printed in the UK, 2 hardback boxes, 60 cards in each box

Size140 x 80mm
  1. This product is not currently available

An essential tool for those studying materia medica and busy practitioners wishing to refresh and expand their knowledge.

The MatMedCards are double-sided 3"x 5" flashcards presenting the essentials of materia medica and clinical insights in a clear, modern format. There are two packs, each comprising 60 remedy cards with an A-Z divider for storage and easy reference.

Pack 1 covers major polychrests + commonly used acute remedies

Pack 2 covers major polychrests, traditional nosodes, mineral families + acute remedies

The packs can be bought individually or as a pair. Materia medica syllabus' vary from college to college, but in order to help students spread the cost, remedies which tend to be taught earlier on are found in pack 1 and those taught later in the course are found in pack 2.

The wide range of materia medicas available provides homeopaths with a wealth of information. While this is a great asset to experienced prescribers, students beginning their study of materia medica can find the sheer volume of information overwhelming. The MatMedCards aim to address this problem.

My intention in writing these cards can be summed up by saying that I tried to produce the teaching aid I wish I had had at college; what came as a surprise to me was how much I learnt during the process of producing them. This made me believe that they will also be of value to experienced practitioners.

From Links review:
"I have used the cards for the last few weeks for purposes of revision and in clinical practice. Already I find it difficult to think that I have ever been without them."

"It is clear that [Rachel] has done a tremendous amount of condensing, but in such a way that the remedies come alive rather than being dry listings of the salient points."

"There was hardly a card where I did not learn something new. Highly recommended."

Ralf Jeutter, Ph.D., RSHom - Lecturer & HomeopathHomeopathic Links, Volume 20, Autumn 2007 (3/07)

About the author:
Rachel graduated from the College of Homeoapthy, London in 1997. She currently practices from Nelsons Homeopathic Pharmacy in London and near her home in Clifton, Bristol. Rachel's background in Biological Sciences has lead to a particular interest in the integration of homeopathic and orthodox medicine. She lectures in both homeopathy and medical sciences at various colleges in the UK and overseas.