Materia Medica of Mind

Materia Medica of Mind
Materia Medica of Mind

Printed in India, hardback, 692 pages.

Size165 x 247mm
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From the cover:
The New Comprehensive Homeopathic Materia Medica Of Mind covers 892 medicines and is made up of rubrices of Mind mostly from the Synthetic Repertory Vol. 1, with additions from other authentic sources.

It will prove to be an invaluable book of reference besides serving as a useful handbook of daily practice.

About the author:
H. L. Chitkara (born 1924)
Dr. Chitkara was born near Lalian in Pakistan. Originally he was brought up in a family using Unani medicine. Unani medicine is an ancient Greek medicine system adopted by the Islamic world that owes its beginnings to Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.). Unani is based on the principle that there are four humours, or elements, in the human body. Having achieved success in academia in the field of mathematics and also English literature he subsequently entered into his homeopathic studies and practice.