Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica
Kent, James

Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica
Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica

Printed in India, hardback, 1030 pages

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A course of lectures on 207 remedies delivered at the Post Graduate School of Homeopathics, Philadelphia, where Kent was Dean and Professor of Materia Medica. Kent's expositions of characteristic symptoms conveys lasting impressions of remedy essences. "A must for serious homeopathic practitioners" Ming-Te Lin, MD.

From the cover:
Kent, like Hahnemann, was endowed with a keen analytical intellect coupled with highly artistic temperament. His genius could see unity in diversity, an order and light in an apparent confusion of jumbled up symptoms. He was a strange mixture of an artist and a scientist. It is with a stoke of his rich imagination that he conceived a novel idea of presenting the drugs of our materia medica as individual pictures. In his lectures he was able to present well-defined but colourful pictures of each drug. This was a very bold and great step forward in the development of our materia medica. Kent gave his lectures in a colloquial, semi-clinical form with the result that anybody who listened to his lectures was spell-bound and carried an indelible impression of the drug. he was able to create a continuity of a symptom-picture from all the disjointed symptoms listed in the other standard books.

About the author:
James Tyler Kent (1849-1916)
Dr. Kent was born in 1849 in New York, United States. He was a pioneer of homeopathy and his legacy still lives on today. It is reported that Kent converted to homeopathy after his wife was taken seriously ill and her cure was achieved only with the help of homeopathy.

It was in 1881 that Kent accepted his first position at the Homeopathic College of Missouri. In 1883 he was made professor of materia medica. In 1899 Kent lost his first wife and in the same year came into contact with the works of Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772) and became a convert to his mystical philosophy. For Kent disease and illness pre-eminently had spiritual causes. For some time in the USA, homeopathy came to be strongly connected closely with Swedenborgianism.

In 1896 Kent and his students saw a staggering 18,800 patients in one year, which gives a fair indication of the historical popularity of homeopathy. Today Dr. Kent is known for introducing the idea of prescribing single high potency doses. However, it should be noted that later in his career Kent employed Hahnemann's method of starting the treatment with low potencies. But the advent of high potencies rests with Kent.

Kent is also to be celebrated for his unique contribution to the art of repertorisation. He introduced a very successful and systematic ordering of the repertory based on the hierarchy of the human system. This style is still in use today. Another of Kent's major additions to homeopathic thought is the characterisation of constitutional remedies. He is famed for introducing remedy 'pictures', portraits that encompass and unite all the symptoms coherently.