Leaders in Homeopathic Therapeutics
Nash, Eugene

Leaders in Homeopathic Therapeutics
Leaders in Homeopathic Therapeutics

Printed in India, paperback, 512 pages.

Size145 x 220mm
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From the cover:
The book or the author need no introduction. This book is a masterpiece for ready use including the characteristic symptoms of each drug, followed by a general discussion.

About the author:
Eugene B. Nash (1838-1917)
Nash graduated from Cleveland Homoeopathic Medical College in 1874. He then began to practice in New York, United States. It is widely reported how when Nash was starting out he was afflicted with paralysis. Having carefully observed his symptoms he took Lachesis that resulted only in a partial cure. Disheartened he went to see Dr. Lippe who prescribed for him. Once the medicine had acted and Nash was cured he asked Lippe what he had given him. Lippe replied that he had given him Lachesis. When Nash then told Lippe that he had taken Lachesis but with only marginal results, Lippe then replied that Nash had not taken it in a high enough potency. This incident then gave Nash the impetus to investigate and then go on to use high potencies in homeopathy.