Homeopathic Tissue Salts with Miranda Castro

Homeopathic Tissue Salts with Miranda Castro

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Homeopathic Tissue Salts with Miranda Castro

4 Live lectures on Thursdays

7pm UK Time - 2 pm US/eastern - 11 am US/pacific

Dates: January 26th and February 2nd, 9th and 16th 2023
Time: 7pm UK Time - 2 pm US/eastern - 11 am US/pacific
Format: Zoom, 60 min live lectures followed by 30 mins Q&A
Fee: £120
Scholarships: for those on low income or those in need.
Booking: Places are limited so book now to be sure there’s a place for you.
Recordings: If you cannot make a session then you will be able to watch the recording at any time. Recordings will be available for 30 days after each event.
Certificate: School of Homeopathy certificate of attendance.

Whether you are a home prescriber/user, a professional homeopath, a student homeopath or an alternative health care practitioner who wants to incorporate the tissue salts into your practice…this course is for you!

In this presentation Miranda will explore the Schuessler Tissue Salts from a classical homeopath’s perspective giving pointers for home prescribers and practitioners alike. Her presentation will be packed with information and food for thought. It will be peppered with cases from her own practice to illustrate the breadth and depth of this lovely little range of remedies


Week one 
An Introduction to the tissue salts including:

  • the history, how did they ‘arise’ and why 
  • manufacturing practices, how they are made
  • the main purposes of the tissue salts
  • their general usefulness from a classical homeopathic standpoint, or the home user as well as the homeopath/health care practitioner

Week two
An overview of all 12 tissue salts—their affinities and keynote symptoms—followed by a more detailed exploration of the each salt with case examples starting with:

  • Calc fluor and Calc phos
  • Kali mur and Silica
  • How to administer the salts to adults/children/infants and animals

Week three
An exploration of the following tissue salts with case examples: 

  • Kali phos and Mag phos
  • Ferrum phos and Nat phos
  • Nat mur and Nat sulph
  • Calc sulph and Kali sulph

Week four
Different uses of the tissue salts including the following: 

  • A review of some of the common combinations available
  • Pregnancy Program
  • The many conundrums surrounding the tissue salts and how to think about these including the main conundrum, are the salts gentle little support remedies or powerful healers in their own right?
  • Resources including books, websites and more

Places are limited so book now to be sure there’s a place for you.

About Miranda Castro
Miranda Castro FSHom, CCH, RSHom(NA), is a British homeopath who has been living in the US since 1994. She is a Patron at The School of Homeopathy, a Fellow of the Society of Homeopaths (UK) and past President of the North American Society of Homeopaths. She has been practicing classical homeopathy since 1982, and speaking and teaching about homeopathy around the world since 1988.

She is author of the best-selling The Complete Homeopathy Handbook (over 250,000 copies sold), the much-loved Homeopathy for Mother and Baby (Homeopathy for Pregnancy, Birth and Your Baby’s First Years in the US), and A Homeopathic Guide to Stress.

Miranda believes passionately that homeopathy is ‘medicine for the people’ and her writing reflects that: her numerous articles and her books have made classical homeopathy spectacularly accessible to the lay person—giving people the tools to accurately and safely select healing remedies for themselves and their families.