Dynamic Materia Medica - Syphilis
Sherr, Jeremy

Dynamic Materia Medica - Syphilis
Dynamic Materia Medica - Syphilis

Printed in the UK, hardback, 280 pages

Size160 x 230mm
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Dynamic Materia Medica Volume I: Understanding the Syphilitic Miasm through Remedies

Remedy pictures weave old and new provings, toxicology, physiology, clinical experience, poetry, stories, alchemy, ancient text and modern film. The resulting materia medica, in its search for the common denominator of eleven syphilitic remedies, leads us to the core of the syphilitic miasm.This book has been described by reviewers as "a work of maturity,a synthesis of the deeper possibilities of homeopathic healing,refreshingly different from almost every other book on homeopathy".

Introduction 3-6
Perceiving Materia Medica 7-20
Fracastoro's 'Syphilis' 21-26
Androctonus Amoreuxii Hebraeus 27-40
Aurum Metallicum 41-52
Haliaeetus Leucocephalus 53-72
Guaiacum 73-90
Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum 91-100
Mercurius 101-122
Phytolacca 123-172
Platina 173-188
Stillingia Sylvatica 189-206
Syphilinum 207-220
Thallium 221-236
Iridium to Plumbum; The Syphilitic Zone 237-242
Conclusion 243-248
Appendix A - Syphilis the Disease 249-270
Appendix B - Bibliography 271-279

Book Review:
Review by Neil Tessler ND, DHANP

Jeremy Sherr is one of the great treasures of our profession. He puts before us the science, while inspiring us with the art. He teaches through an elegant dance of right and left brain. The present volume is rich in this balanced engagement. It is a book of rare beauty in design thorough, which Sherr takes us on a journey of thirteen remedies well expressive of the syphilitic miasm. He does so in a manner both systematic and multidimensional. Remedies are presented with both proving and narrative. Each gives testimony to the other and greatly aids the experience of studying the raw proving material. Complementing this are poems, his and others, as well as biography, myth, movie characters, diverse literature references, and the occasional illustration. The total effect is that one gains a vivid image of each remedy as well as the miasm, grounded in the provings, mellowed and focused by narrative discussion, enriched by poetry and the analogies of literature. Very highly recommended.

About the author:
Jeremy Sherr (born 1955)
Jeremy was born in South Africa and grew up in Israel. He began his studies at the College of Homeopathy, London, in 1980 and completed a degree simultaneously in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Though he practices classical homeopathy exclusively, his knowledge of Chinese Medicine shines through his homeopathic thinking.

Jeremy was the first to re-develop the science and art of provings after a century of near silence. In 1982 he conducted his first proving of Scorpion, and has since completed 23 Hahnemannian provings, including Hydrogen, Chocolate, Diamond, Salmon and Germanium. These remedies are now well established in our repertories and materia medicas, and are being used successfully all over the world.

Jeremy is acknowledged by the homeopathic community as a brilliant and creative thinker who is well grounded in the philosophy and writings of Hahnemann. His lectures are an inspiring blend of classical homeopathy and original thought, delivered with vitality and humour. His practical teachings are live cases with long-term follow up. As a homeopathic practitioner, Jeremy is known for his unprejudiced clarity and profound insight.