Case Taking
Gray, Alastair

Case Taking
Case Taking

Printed in India, paperback, 446 pages

Size213 x 140 x 33mm
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From the cover:

This book offers a thorough description of the history of homeopathy, and a glimpse into its future. The author faces contentious issues directly, and questions existing standards with rigour. It leaves the reader impatient to discover what gems the remaining six books in the series will contain.

About the author:

Alastair C. Gray heads up the homeopathy department at Endeavour College of Natural Health in Australia. He presents regular seminars at Kuala Lumpur, Toronto, Boulder, San Francisco, Galway in Ireland, Preston and Nottingham in England and Bangkok. He continues to teach the residential Fusion sessions, a post-graduate program in natural medicine, offered in New Zealand, Australia and online. In addition, Alastair runs a general natural medicine practice in the inner west and east of Sydney, Australia. Clinical practice remains a significant feature of his work with a focus in the treatment of anxiety, depression, addiction and men’s health. He has published four books and numerous articles on provings including Kauri, Moreton bay fig, Tea tree, Waratah,Tar tree, Liquorice, Cactus, Kowhai, Tuberculinum, Bacilinum, Mosquito, Cockroach, Toad, Seahorse, Pearl, Irukandjii, Medusa, Box jellyfish and White tailed spider.