A Brief Study Course in Homoeopathy
Wright, Elizabeth

A Brief Study Course in Homoeopathy
A Brief Study Course in Homoeopathy

Printed in India, paperback, 100 Pages.

Size140 x 212mm
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From the cover:

With the addition of chapters on The Crux of Homoeopathy and Timing in Prescribing, we trust students of Homoeopathy will find Course enhanced in value and usefulness. In this edition we have included author's other interesting article, The Value and Relation of Diet to our Homoeopathic Remedies...!

About the author:
Elizabeth Wright (1896-1967)

Elizabeth was the first woman president of the American Institute of Homeopathy. She rose to become one of the leading homoeopaths in the United States. Her homeopathic education came from Dr. Pierre Schmidt of Geneva, Switzerland. He in turn had been tutored by a couple of Dr. James Tyler Kent's most distinguished pupils. Her career as a homeopath was to bring her international acclamation.