Diet & Nutrition, A Holistic Approach
Ballentine, Rudolph

Diet & Nutrition, A Holistic Approach

Printed in the USA, paperback, 634 pages.

Size151 x 228mm
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A holistic and comprehensive overview of the field, bringing the ageless insights of the East together with the modern scientific discoveries of the West. The facts are presented clearly and precisely, providing the reader with an in-depth understanding and practical approach to what is otherwise a complex and confusing subject.

All students of health and nutrition will find their particular interests addressed by this comprehensive volume. Sections include: a history of dietary patterns in America; an in-depth description of essential food components (vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, carbohydrates); commonsense advice on how to plan a balanced diet; an insightful presentation of what happens to food at various stages in the body (including food combining and elimination); the Ayurvedic approach to diet; and an insightful account of the effects of food and eating habit on the mind, emotions, and consciousness.

Diet & Nutrition

I. The Ecology of Nutrition     4
1. Society     7
2. The Soil     23
3. The Cell     39

II. The Biochemistry of Nutrition     46
4.   Carbohydrate     49
5.   Fats and Oils     91
6.   Protein     111
7.   Vitamins     157
8.   Minerals     223
9.   A Balanced Diet     279

III. The Physiology of Nutrition     304
10. Digestion     307
11. Elimination     333
12. Fasting     367

IV. The Pharmacology of Nutrition     386
13. Beyond Nutrients     389
14. Cooked versus Raw     409
15. Ayurvedic Nutrition     423
16. Cooking     449

V. Food and Consciousness     480
17. Diet / Mind     483
18. Megavitamins and Food Allergies     509
19. Food Sadhana     535
20. The Philosophy of Nutrition     557

References     589
Index     621

"A superb book ... should be read by all physicians."
C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.

"A wonderful book ... If I were forced to choose one book on nutrition from my extensive library, this would be it ... Almost every chapter could have been produced legitimately as an excellent booklet, and l would have bought them all ... This wonderful book is an eye opener ... highly recommended."
Contemporary Time

"Dr Ballantine has written a brilliant book...a clear, concise, complete statement about the many facets of nutrition and the relationship between diet and well-being. This book is an absolute must."
Ken Dychtwals, author of BodyMind

About the Author

Rudolph Ballentine, MD is a graduate of the Duke University School of Medicine, with specialty training in psychiatry, establishing The Center for Holistic Medicine in six cities. As its director for 25 years, he offered an integrative approach to treatment, using psychotherapy, homeopathy, Ayurveda, yoga, movement and meditation. He also served as the president of The Himalayan Institute for 12 years and as the director of its Combined Therapy Department for 18 years. Author of a number of books, including the classic Radical Healing, he is now retired and lives in the Carolinas, where he practices and teaches permaculture and tantra.