2 Therapist Book list

2 Therapist Book list
2 Therapist Book list

A collection of 13 essential titles to accompany  your Nutrition Therapist course - supplied by our partner The Homeopathic Book Company.

The Homeopathic Book Company

This book list has been specially put together for this course.

The Book List consists of the following titles:

Braly & Hoggan Dangerous Grains
Kendrick The Great Cholesterol Con
Wright Why Stomach Acid is Good for You
Batmanghelidj Your Body’s many cries for Water
Brostoff & Gamlin The Complete guide to Allergy and Intolerance
Anderson Psychobiotic Revolution
Digestive Wellness
Wren Cellular Awakening
Holford & Braly The H Factor Solution
Wilson Adrenal Fatigue
Pizzorno Clinicians handbook of Natural Medicine
Wood The Compassionate Practitioner


Books are supplied to you by our partner:

The Homeopathic Book Company
The Old Shop, Mill Lane, Barrowden, Rutland, LE15 8EH, UK
+44(0)1476 550754
View all Booklists on The Homeopathic Book Company Website.