3 Therapist Advanced Book list

3 Therapist Advanced Book list
3 Therapist Advanced Book list

Students on the Nutrition Therapist Advanced course continue to use the books from previous course Units. This collection of 3 essential titles tops-up the booklist - supplied by our partner The Homeopathic Book Company.

The Homeopathic Book Company

This book list has been specially put together for this course.

The Book List consists of the following titles:

Weatherby Signs & symptoms analysis from a functional perspective
Warren Set Up A Therapy Business: A Step By Step Guide
Harrold Marketing Your Complementary Therapy Practice


Books are supplied to you by our partner:

The Homeopathic Book Company
The Old Shop, Mill Lane, Barrowden, Rutland, LE15 8EH, UK
+44(0)1476 550754
View all Booklists on The Homeopathic Book Company Website.