Book List 4

Book List 4
Book List 4

5 highly recommended books chosen by the School for your fourth year of study on the homeopathy course - supplied by our partner The Homeopathic Book Company.

The Homeopathic Book Company

Buy the complete set for only £265.50 saving 10%
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The Book List Four book list consists of the following titles:

Fraser Birds: Seeking Freedom from the Sky
Norland Animalia
Yakir Wondrous Order (or choose from below) **
Sankaran The Synergy in Homeopathy
Verneulen Synoptic Materia Medica 2 Prisma


Books are supplied to you by our partner:

The Homeopathic Book Company
The Old Shop, Mill Lane, Barrowden, Rutland, LE15 8EH, UK
+44(0)1476 550754
View all Boolists on The Homeopathic Book Company Website.

Plants book option:
if you would prefer Book List 4 with Scholten’s book Wonderful Plants or Michal Yakir Wondrous Plants instead of Sankaran’s An Insight into Plants Volume 3 please make that selection from the Homeopathic Book Companies Website.