Homotoxicology is the most modern development in homeopathic medicine and is based on the integration of basic medical science with homeopathic principles. It represents a unique synthesis between the concepts of molecular biology, biochemistry, toxicology and patho-physiology, resulting in non-toxic biological therapies. It represents a significant advance in the field of biological medicine.
The three pillars of homotoxicology include detoxification and drainage, immune modulation and cellular activation and organ strengthening. The combination medicines used in homotoxicology are made by Reckeweg (Europe) and Heel (USA) and are available over the counter but it is always preferable and more reliable to have them prescribed by a therapist.
Main principles
Homotoxicology combines elements of homeopathy, naturopathy and conventional medicine, and incorporates in part, the Arndt-Schultz Law (interactions are promoted by weak stimuli, accelerated by moderate stimuli, and halted by excessive stimuli), Von Bertalanffy’s ‘steady state principle,’ Dr Hahnemann’s simile principle on which homeopathy is based, Lux’s isopathic principle, and Hering’s law which says healing occurs from top to bottom, from inside to outside, more vital to less vital, and in reverse order of appearance. In addition, recent work (1965 onwards) by Alfred Pischinger has elucidated the role played by the extra-cellular matrix and ground substance in regulation of body systems. Homotoxicology promotes detoxification of the organism at a humoral level, at a matrix level and at a cellular level and it provides a rational sequence of events for the practitioner to evaluate therapeutic protocols and efficacy. In 1948 Dr Reckeweg devised a logical concept for the tracking of the flow of disease, in what is called the 6 Phase Table of Homotoxicology (see below) which is a schematic of the biological system’s response to the presence of toxins in the system.
1. Excretion Phase. This is the fluid phase, in which the body attempts to rid itself of toxins, e.g. by vomiting, diarrhoea, sweating, sneezing and runny nose, etc.
2. Inflammation Phase. This occurs when the excretion phase is circumvented, or the body needs to generate a fever, either locally or systemically, to promote healing.
3. Deposition Phase. This defines the early matrix diseases, where the gel between the cells begins to be affected by toxins. Here, in a largely silent phase, the body attempts to detoxify by storing metabolic ‘junk’ in the connective tissue, vasculature and adipose tissue. If damage continues the body falls into cellular disease.
These first 3 phases are much the easier to influence by medication and where the practitioner should concentrate all efforts to control disease.
4. Impregnation Phase. This is the early stage of cellular disease in which the noxae gain entrance to cells and the defence mechanisms attempt to surround the toxins and disarm them by storing them within the cellular space.
5. Degeneration Phase. This is characterized by damage to cellular defence, enzymatic functions, and energy production and represents a severe state of illness, which is much more difficult to influence and moderate.
6. Dedifferentiation Phase. This is the neoplastic state, in which biological genetic control mechanisms have been damaged, so that growth regulation of tissues is no longer under the influence of bio-regulatory mechanisms and continues unchecked, until the body systems succumb.
Most disease conditions, both acute and chronic, may benefit from the use of the homotoxicological remedies. Acute childhood disease to even the most advanced degenerative conditions may be alleviated through this method. All injuries and especially sports injuries may be treated and the healing time reduced. The committee of sport specialist physicians of the Olympic Games recommend primarily homotoxicological treatment for sports injuries. Chronic disease in all its phases can be successfully treated by homotoxicological methods. If the disease has progressed too far, a cure may not be possible, but the patient’s quality of life may be improved in many instances. In many of these cases, homotoxicological therapy may be combined with surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, antibiotic therapy and other methods of treatment.
History of the therapy
Homotoxicology was founded by a German orthodox physician, Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg (1905-1985) who studied medicine in Berlin, came into contact with homeopathy and began integrating his ideas into a framework that is part of what is known as German Biological Medicine. He developed the idea that illness is the result of ‘homotoxins’ that is substances that are poisonous to man. They can arise from the environment or be present in the body as the result of the organism being unable to eliminate them. In 1948 Dr Reckeweg devised a schema for tracking the flow of disease and the detoxification of the body. One key difference from homeopathy is that it places more emphasis on the physical manifestations of disease and tends to use diagnostic tools based on anatomical and clinical findings (similar to allopathic medicine) and then utilizes complex homeopathic remedies designed to restore the patient’s vital energy and to balance the biological flow system. From the late 1930s to the early 1970s Dr Reckeweg worked to develop over 1,000 remedies using knowledge from ‘the best of both worlds’. The medications which he formulated are derived from the enzyme systems of the body, allopathic medicines, extensive nosode preparations and the more traditional homeopathic remedies both in potency chords (i.e. more than one potency of the same substance) and together as complex remedies (i.e. more than one substance in a remedy).
British Academy for Bioregulatory medicine
International Academy for Homotoxicology (IAH)
HEEL (America)