Recorded, Superfoods and Phytonutrients, Karen Carman

Recorded, Superfoods and Phytonutrients, Karen Carman

Price£15.00 - £25.00
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This Webinar was recorded in July 2019. You are purchasing a copy of this webinar to download and view. It comes with the original recording, presentation (when available) and transcript.

Superfoods and Phytonutrients

Exploring the many qualities of everyday and more exotic plant based foods that are truly super for our health!

This webinar aims to explore many of the so called "super foods" in detail;

From broccoli to acai berry, what chemicals are present that have health supporting qualities

Webinar Aims

  • Why are plant based nutrients so well received by the body?
  • Are nutrients in chemical isolation or as part of food really different?
  • What is a "phytonutrient" and why are they so important with today's modern lifestyle and which foods are the most dense
  • How can we practically increase these in our diet everyday?