Recorded, Adrenal Fatigue and the Thyroid, Karen Carman

Recorded, Adrenal Fatigue and the Thyroid, Karen Carman

Price£15.00 - £25.00
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This Webinar was recorded in June 2017. You are purchasing a copy of this webinar to download and view. It comes with the original recording, presentation (when available) and transcript.

Adrenal Fatigue & The Thyroid, Karen Carman

What actually is adrenal fatigue and what are its effects?
What can lead to adrenal fatigue?
How does this impact thyroid function?
What nutrients are needed for optimal adrenal and thyroid function?
Which tests can help identify the best way to support?

Webinar Aims
This webinar will examine the metabolic links between the adrenals and thyroid, looking at ways, through the stages of life to support and maintain optimum function. It will address practical strategies to identify, support and regain both adrenal and thyroid health.