Portraits of Homeopathic Medicines Vol.3
Coulter, Catherine

Portraits of Homeopathic Medicines Vol.3

Printed in USA, hardback, 338 pages.

Size157 x 240mm
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Catherine Coulter is a fabulous writer and she brings materia medica to life like a true story teller. Her books are a joy to read for students, homeopaths and non-homeopaths. In each of the three volumes she covers a handful of remedies in depth. Weaving symptoms, key notes and characteristics into highly memorable stories. Each remedy glides off the page.

The books are beautifully produced and easier to read.

Remedies in Volume three:
Arum Metallicum, Thuja, Causticum, Graphities.

Comparative Materia Medica:
Clairvoyance, Suspicion, Generosity, Indifference.

About the author:
Catherine Coulter (born 1934)
Catherine Coulter was born in London, England, and now lives in the United States. She has been a full time practicing classical homeopath since 1974. It was a year after this that she took up teaching. She has become internationally well known for her characteristic and vivid portraits of many of the classic homeopathic remedies.