Posts Tagged 'Luc Montagnier'

Nobel Prize Winner Luc Montagnier Supports Science of Homeop

08 November 2011 at 08:42

Dr. Luc Montagnier, the French virologist who won the Nobel Prize in 2008 for discovering the AIDS virus, has surprised the scientific community with his strong support for homeopathic medicine.

This Video explaining Dr. Luc Montagnier work is well worth watching:

You can also read more inb this article:

Tags: Luc Montagnier | homeopathy | nobel prize | video | movie

Posted in Homeopathy

Newsmaker interview: Luc Montagnier

01 March 2011 at 14:16

French Nobelist Escapes ‘Intellectual Terror’ to Pursue Radical Ideas in China PARIS  – Virologist and Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier announced earlier this month that, at ... [ read more ]

Tags: Luc Montagnier | Homeopathy

Posted in Homeopathy