Posts Tagged 'Health & Wellbeing'

Healthy & Organic Living

01 November 2009 at 10:15

Q. A friend has recommended that I try a homeopathic remedy for my skin (I suffer from rosacea). I'm a bit sceptical though, and can't see how taking a remedy with no physical trace of the substance left in it can help. Have there been studies that prove its efficacy? What's the best thing to try for skin problems? Robert Owen, Herts

Hi Robert, Thanks for your question. It is one that gets asked a lot in homeopathy. In homeopathic pharmacy, remedies are made from substances found in nature and, while the physical content is reduced, the energetic content is increased. This is called potentisiation. Potentisation is the main cause for controversy in homeopathy. Some scientists say how can a substance have any healing properties if it no longer contains any physical atoms?

Homeopathy does not really know the answer, however we do have over 250 years of clinical cases that testify to the healing power of homeopathy. One thought that may help… Albert Einstein brilliantly and famously demonstrated to the scientific community that matter is simply another form of energy. Today we are only just starting to understand energy. Energy binds our physical world together; it holds matter in form; it brings life to plants and it animates organisms. Just think of the energy released when we split to atoms in a nuclear explosion! If you consider the complexity of energy and how little we understand it, is it really that hard to believe that there may be something going on that we do not understand? Science is always learning – gravity cannot be explained, although we know its effects. Homeopathy is similar, we do not know how it works but we can see it explained through its actions. Millions of people can testify they have benefited from its healing powers. It is the 2nd largest form of medicine in the world today (as recognised by the World Health Organisation - WHO).

Now about your Rosacea. Rosacea is a common inflammatory condition of the skin of the face that causes redness that looks like a flush or blush. People with rosacea often find that certain lifestyle and environmental factors trigger a flare-up or aggravate their individual conditions. Common triggers include certain foods (especially hot or spicy foods) and drink, (especially alcohol and caffeine), exercise, temperature changes, exposure to the sun, rain or wind, and stress.

There are 164 possible homeopathic remedies that could help with rosacea and it will be important to find the right one for your individual symptoms, situation and experience. As there are so many options a homeopathic consultation would be needed to explore this with you and find the best remedy. To find a registered homeopath in your area go to I am sure homeopathy will help, good luck.

Mani Norland
School of Homeopathy

Q. How easy is it to get a qualification in alternative medicine? Will it take more than a year, and is it simple to set up a practice? Sandra Dawson, Birmingham

Dear Sandra, I can answer your question from a homeopathic perspective. It takes around 4 years to study homeopathy with a recognised school. Most courses are part-time attendance so it is possible to continue with work and family life while you learn.

There are many homeopathy schools in the UK today and it may not be easy deciding which one is going to be right for you. Although each recognised school follows similar basic curricula - the style, the methods of teaching and support may vary considerably.

It is therefore a good idea to check out your options thoroughly before making a final decision. Many schools arrange for you to sit in on lectures this will give you a chance to experience some teaching, meet students, speak to staff. Spend time comparing websites and prospectuses, and speak to homeopaths and ask them for their views. But most importantly ask the school: what makes them special, what do they believe and see how that fits with your values and what you want.

Well developed Schools will run supervision programs and you will start to see patients in your third and fouth year. A few schools offer this in the local community so you actually start to build a practice up in your home with the support of the School. If you train with a recognised school then you will be eligible to join the Society of Homeopaths register when you successfully graduate. This, combined with supervision, makes setting up in practice easy. Ask the school how many graduates continue into long term practice.

The study of Homeopathy is a mind, body and spirit awakening experience. It opens your head and heart to what you already knew was there but hadn’t taken the time to listen to. It is like going to a university all about you, all about life, and from this you get the gift to heal, the power to enhance life, to make people healthy and happy.

I wish you every success,

Mani Norland
School of Homeopathy

Health & Wellbeing

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Tags: Mani Norland | Homeopathy | Kate Arnold | Brett Sanders | School of Homeopathy | Health & Wellbeing | Rosacea | Tanning

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